Monday, February 21, 2022

Western Intelligence Says There Are ‘Serious Doubts’ Within The Russian Military About Invading Ukraine

Russian and Belarus tanks during joint exercises at a firing range near Brest, Belarus. Photograph: Russian Defence Ministry  

The Guardian: UK says ‘serious doubts’ exist within Russian military about invading Ukraine 

The claim, made on Monday, is understood to be based on western intelligence. 

Britain believes there are figures within Russian military and security services who have “serious doubts” about invading Ukraine as the Kremlin continues to move more troops within 50km of the border. 

The claim, made on Monday, is understood to be based on western intelligence, although the concerns that exist are not expected to have any initial impact if President Vladimir Putin were to order an attack. 

“There are elements within the military and Russian security services who harbour very serious doubts about the plan to invade and its effectiveness,” said one western official, who added they were “perfectly confident” about the assessment.  

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WNU Editor: I am sure there are doubts from these Russian commanders, but not from a military capability. The Ukraine military is nowhere near the capability of the Russian military, and any one on one engagement will be short and decisive.

Where the doubts come from is that there are millions of Russian-Ukrainians in Ukraine, and many, if not most people in Russia, have relatives who live in regions that will be on the front-line of any Russian invasion. I for one would not be surprised if a Russian commander may have a cousin in Kyiv, or a Russian soldier having an aunt living in Khirkiv. Westerners do not appreciate that there are many family ties between the two countries, and they are deep. 

In my case I have family in both Ukraine and Russia, and it horrifies me to see the possibility that my own family may be engulfed in a war but from opposite sides.


Anonymous said...

This will be a nearly bloodless coup just like Crimea. The covert actors are being reinforced as I type and will now simply be operating overtly in Donetsk & Lugansk, and Kiev won't attempt to expel them by force.

Caecus said...

I have serious doubts about the abilities of Western intelligence