Monday, March 7, 2022

China Says Its Winter Wheat Condition Could Be The Worst In History

Zero Hedge: Food Crisis About To Get Worse After China Says Winter Wheat Condition Could Be Worst In History 

The condition of China’s winter wheat crop could be the “worst in history,” the agriculture minister said on Saturday according to Reuters, raising concerns about grain supplies in the world’s biggest wheat consumer. 

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the Chinese regime’s annual political meetings, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian said that heavy rainfall last year delayed the planting of about one-third of the normal wheat acreage.

A survey of the winter wheat crop taken before the start of winter found that the amount of first- and second-grade crop was down by more than 20 percentage points, Tang said.  

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WNU Editor: This explains why China has been a buying spree for grains in the past two months.


Anonymous said...

yo yo's mucking up traffic for?

OK, let me get this straight: A truckload of U.S. truckers has assembled outside Washington, D.C., to protest something, but nobody quite knows what. Is it the mask and vaccine mandates that most cities and states have already dropped? Who knows.

On Sunday, they formed a convoy and did two loops around the Capital Beltway. What did they accomplish? Who knows.

They’re threatening to repeat the driving-around-in-a-big-circle thing Monday, but to show they really mean business, they’re adding a third Beltway lap, and organizers say they’ll add an extra lap each day until their demands are met. What are their demands? Again, who knows.

Anonymous said...

"This explains why China has been a buying spree for grains in the past two months"

That and Xi knew that Putler would invade Ukraine spoiling their crop. Planting season is under way perhaps now in the south in two weeks in the Midwest.

Will Russians shoot Ukrainian farmers in their fields plowing?

I mean, Motherfucker, but I thought they were merely buying ahead of sanctions in case they invaded Taiwan or bad harvests. Neve thought they would stock up in case of an Ukrainian invasion and a bad harvest. It is so clear. I am so mad at myself. Such a leading indicator.

Anonymous said...


AJ is basically harmless. He doesn't muck things up like Mr. 666 guy (X, G and other handles), who goes on and on.

You on the other hand mucked thing sup with 7 lines of print and 3 lines of spacing. You are liar,

"What are their demands? Again, who knows." - Liar

The truckers made what they wanted known.

"Trucker convoy laps Washington, DC, beltway to protest Covid-19 measures"

Now 4:37 deflect by moving the goal posts. We all know you would bite the pillow for Fauci.