Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Countries That Condemned Russia Vs. Countries That Sanctioned Russia


WNU Editor: It's always about the money. The countries that refused to impose sanctions cannot afford to break economic ties with Russia.


Anonymous said...

7% of the world population is participating in the sanctions against Russia
40% "condemn" the Ukrainian invasion
60% don't give a shit

So this is "the international community" that we hear so much about.

Nearly 2/3 of the worlds GDP belongs to that 7% but that's a rapidly changing metric.

Anonymous said...

That's why the 7% is fighting hard to hold onto power.

B.Poster said...

As the outcome becomes more apparent, the 40% will alter course and support the ultimate winner which is Russia. As for the 60% who "don't give a dhit" they've grasped reality. Ukraine cannot win this and will not do so baring Divine intervention. Perhaps the equivalent of the Red Sea can part again and Ukraine wins!!

Serious observers know this isn't happening. Prudent leaders such as Naftali Benet and the unfluential but astute rep Marjorie Taylor-Green explained the futility of this situation. As my late grandfather said, "son, when in a hole the first thing in a hole is STOP DIGGING!!'

Ukraine should stop digging. They're obviously not going to win this fight. With that said perhaps they could turn over the evidence they have against team Biden and end this once and for all.

Unfortunately ideology is a terrible thing. They may stick with team Biden and fight to needless and futile deaths in an unwinnable cause. Embracing team Trump is far to late now. He isn't coming back!!

Bad decisions have bad consequences. Now Ukraine must deal with them. Former POTUS Trump is and still is the best friend Ukraine has ever had.

It's to bad his diplomacy undermined 100% by the the Democrats for short-term political purposes. Had this diplomatic process been allowed to continue unabated but with careful observation, Cold War 2 would've been ended!! At least this is my considered opinion.

Anonymous said...

ah yes ukraine is fighting to hide this supposide evidence against Biden, they all love him so much theyre willing to give up their lives and countryy to protect this. get off your high horse man, no ukrainian gives a flying shit about Biden son and will side with anyone that can help them not die..,

YOINK the russian said...

I am so happy russia is finally doing what it should have been doing all those years. Taking what is rightfully theirs and buddying up with china.

Anonymous said...

This will lead to one thing and one thing only: WE all will get more poor, the World will level out at rock bottom for the middle class and many of the lower class will die.

The 0.1% will become the 0.0001% and own everything and rule over us like Kings. NeoFeudalism. Your rights will be taken. And they will not respect you because you are gullible and went into slavery willingly.

While they took -everything- from you.
Your rights
Your property
Your privacy

And soon your wife and kids.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Greenshades is burning the midnight oil and is going to do a shit job for his customers.

Anonymous said...

"Ukraine should stop digging. They're obviously not going to win this fight."

The losing side often fights to obtain a better treaty. While that does not work if one side wants unconditional surrender. However WW2 is not representative of all warfare throughout history.

Russia should stop digging. Russia is conditioning people to hate it.