Tuesday, March 1, 2022

President Biden Delivers His First State Of The Union Address


WNU Editor: Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo is the designated survivor for President Biden's State of the Union (link here).

Update: He just mixed up Ukrainian people with Iranian people. Oooppppssss ....

Update #2: He is struggling in giving his speech. Slurring too many words.


Anonymous said...

Biden is lying right out of the gates and slurring his words.

Biden also has a very bad squint.

General Milley was there coking and joking.

Anonymous said...

Bidden cannot pronounce the word Free, The 'r" gives him trouble, That is not a stuttering problem.

Biden cannot pronounce the word ruble either. He has a problem with r's.

Anonymous said...

Tough guy Biden is going after the oligarchs ill gotten gains. The oligarchs started reaping those gains after 1991. Why wait 31 years t go after them> Were their actions not wrong 10 years ago? 20 years ago? 30 years ago?

So the seize the assets. At some time the government will unload them. Will the aucti9onbing of them be 'fair' or will DC denizens get dealz.

Why no Operation Paperclip for prominent Russians? Why seize the yachts and drive the oligarchs into Putin's arms?

Will Biden claw back the speaking fees Bill Clinton got from a Moscow? Who paid his $500,000 speaking fee? Oligarchs?


Anonymous said...

"widening economic gap in in in a century" Yup, Biden is doing good.

Anonymous said...

Idiot Joe thinks vaccinating kids for COVID will benefit them. It will on balance harm them.

"Kids and COVID: why young immune systems are still on top"


Anonymous said...

If COVID, which has a case fatality rate of .5%, is an gawd awful disease, then what is small pox with a case fatality rate of 30%? A super duper gawd awful disease?

Is the .5% CFR due to the government discouraging therapeutics for the longest time?