Saturday, March 12, 2022

Tweets On The Russia - Ukraine War


Anonymous said...

Not sure if you've seen this web site but they are tracking the equipment loses for both sides.

Anonymous said...

"Here's the latest on Russia's invasion of Ukraine:
• Russian warplanes, artillery widen assault, hit airfields in west, industrial hub in east."

I was wrong about the Ukrainians not needing warplanes. I figured that since the Russian Airforce was mostly a no show and appeared skittish because of manpads that warplanes were not particularly necessary.

I was wrong. While the air space would be hostile to both Russian and Ukrainian Airforces due to manpads and other AA, Air cover over western Ukraine would protect aircover against Russian aircraft. The Russians would be reduced to cruise missile strikes. People do run out of cruise missiles. The US was low on cruise missiles in the 1990s, because Billy Clinton used them extensively. Russia could run low too.

Russia could win and it could find itself in the same position as North Korea. Nuked up, belligerent and poor. That is a good look for Socialists Russkis. Like the old days.

Anonymous said...

Do Russian tank losses matter? They have 2,832 active tanks.

Against a country like Russian think of Russian tank losses as an source (engineering). That is inexhaustible for the problem at hand.

It might be easier to starve the Russians of money and chips (unlikely due to Feinstein's and Pelosi's friend China) and let them drive shit tanks out of storage onto a modern battle field. Although I do see a lot of upgrades being mentioned.

Burnt out Russian make great roadblocks. Put some skull on pikes and see of the Russians want to advance. Sure a tank could maneuver around a burnt out wreck, but that takes time and open them up to a Javelin.

I think I am more worried about Russian artillery.

Maybe The Russians could offer a world wide buy back program to repopulate their tank armies. God know they sold more T72s than McDonalds have sold hamburgers!

Adam said...

One thing the Russians do have is thousands of Old tanks. I see they are still using t-72s in this conflict.

fazman said...

T72 variants aren't considered old and make up the bulk of Russia's armour

Anonymous said...

"The T-72 is a family of Soviet/Russian main battle tanks that entered production in 1969"

"The M1 Abrams entered service in 1980 and currently serves as the main battle tank of the United States Army and Marine Corps. "

A tank is like a fighter jet. If you keep upgrading fire control and stuff, it can still be decent. We shall see.

Adam said...

Uh they are pretty old, not one of the oldest probably but started in the 60's. With upgrades they are fairly competent and probably fine for decent parts of this operation.

Anonymous said...


Depending on the storage, the T072 put into storage might take a long time to become activated. I do not know what a Russian winter would do to rubber, but a got summer on the tropic of Capricorn can cause belts of vehicles sitting non the yards to stretch and sag. the longest rubber product last is 20 years. So you have to wonder about seals. The guns are probably good and probably were properly sealed. I wonder about the engines and transmissions. The electronics could go bad if they are the original. Soldering is the -problem Tin likes to form trees on circuit boards. Lead is not as bad in that regard. the soldering on the circuit board is probably of tin lead mix.

Shifting the topic slightly I was slightly I was surprised at the number of Amarta tanks. There are so few. Either is is seen to be a lemon by the Russian military or their economy cannot handle the cost of production.

Assuming the Ukrainians win or there is a stalemate, I would like to get the serial numbers (just the serial numbers ) off of the tanks. It would reveal volumes.