Friday, March 11, 2022

U.S. Funded Bio-labs In The Ukraine Is A Story that Is Not Going To Go Away

WNU Editor: There is a lot of mix-messaging on this story. On the one hand we have the UN saying the following .... UN says not aware of biological weapons programme in Ukraine (Al Jazeera), and then on the other hand we have this UN agency raising concerns on lethal pathogens in Ukraine .... EXCLUSIVE WHO says it advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in health labs to prevent disease spread (Reuters). 

The official US government policy and the media narrative is that this is all a Russian/Chinese disinformation campaign/conspiracy theories/etc. .... Russia’s bioweapon conspiracy theory finds support in US (AP). 

As to what is my take. 

I hope the Kremlin is 100% wrong about Slavic DNA tests and bio-warfare experiments being conducted at these labs. And as for these labs. All that I care about is that the focus from the West should not be on placing blame, but instead making sure that all information and bio-materials are collected and burned to the ground, and everything in the vaults are incinerated ASAP.


Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE +++ Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’

So it was on record, they deleted the pages (reminds me of Hillary deleting Emails) and now they pretend we all are imagining things or call us Putin lovers.

Yeah right

I believe nothing you say.
We haven't even talked about covid yet.

When are we arresting these swines?

Anonymous said...

Picture this. You direct a coup to overthrow the government of Ukraine. The state is now unable to pay pensioners and military salaries, it is utterly dependent on foreign loans just to keep it's head above water, and the elderly freeze to death without free gas handouts from your mortal enemy russia.

We'll address those issue later though, first we've gotta open 50+ bioweapons labs.


Anonymous said...

They called the nazi militias a conspiracy theory 2 weeks ago. Now the narrative is *"sure they exist, but there are far worse enemies than nazis out there, don't think about it"*.

Seems like everything the white house doesn't want us to know is a "conspiracy theory" until it isn't.

Anonymous said...

Great. We'll have to endure the WNU blog pushing this out in the open now everyway here and there just to suit the Russian narrative.

Anonymous said...

LOL at the opening paragraph of the AP article.

Russia’s baseless claims about secret American biological warfare labs in Ukraine are taking root in the U.S. too, uniting COVID-19 conspiracy theorists, QAnon adherents and some supporters of ex-President Donald Trump.

Anytime they try to tie something to the big 3 conspiracy strawmen out the gate like that you know it's time to apply extra scrutiny because the stenographers- ahem, I mean the journalists- certainly won't.

Anonymous said...

distinguish between bio lab set up for health purposes and lab creating bio weapons

"A 2011 report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Anticipating Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories explained how the Odessa-based laboratory “is responsible for the identification of especially dangerous biological pathogens.”

“This laboratory was reconstructed and technically updated up to the BSL-3 level through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that started in 2005. The collaboration focuses on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons,” the report continues."

Anonymous said...

"I hope the Kremlin is 100% wrong about Slavic DNA tests and bio-warfare experiments being conducted at these labs"

You are crybaby.

You mentioned that the Chinese and Russians were also doing biometric research. So why would the Americans doing this research be thing when the Chinese and Russian research is not?

If you could get a marker to make something like COVID targetable, it would be stupid. There are lot of Slavic descended people in America. Germany, Germans, are chock full of Slavic DNA. When the Germans pushed east after the split up of the Carolingian Empire, I bet a lot of German men had Slavic wives. East Germany and what use to be Prussia are were chock full of mischlings.

The people worried about this or that little difference in their Y chromosomes or whatever are the same people, who obsess about measuring their dick and comparing it to others.

The blog owner might be smart about computer and internet projects, but their genetic literacy leaves a lot to be desired.

But seriously, you have 3 women around you now. Just put your head down on their shoulders and have a good cry. You need it.

Anonymous said...

Assurances provided by the same government that steamrolled an OCPW investigation in 2018 finding our proxies culpable for the false flag chemical weapon attack in Douma. Now why would anyone be skeptical I wonder?

Anonymous said...

The questions I have are: What kind of bioweapons are these bioweapon labs making? Aren't there international treaties forbidding nations from making dangerous bioweapons? Because if the wrong bioweapon gets out--isn't all of humanity at risk?

Anonymous said...

8:40 has hos panties in an uproar

NOT JUST WUHAN: Document Shows US Military Was Funding Bioresearch on Coronavirus in Insectivorous Bats in Ukraine

I said over a year ago that there were 4 to 8 trolls on this website. They are working overtime now in a time of war.

Anonymous said...

Are these Ukrainian bioweapon labs manufacturing bioweapons in violation of the 1975 "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction", signed by nearly all nations including the USA and Ukraine? If so, why isn't the news media reporting on this?

Anonymous said...

As the great David Knight put it so well:

It is okay for us to invade Iraq a country far far away and kill 100,000+ civilians all under the pretext of imaginary WMDs which were never found and to which Colin Powel now admitted he was lying to us all; but for Russia it is not ok to invade a neighbouring country that ACTUALLY has WMD's targeting them on a genetic level?

THIS is the ethical problem we all face now and must answer.

If we keep allowing our leaders to conduct all these wars under false pretext, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE..
It must end. It has to. We must replace our existing "leaders" and hold them accountable to the full extent of the law

Anonymous said...

8:50 and 10:10 IMO are funny dudes that are paving the way to WW3.

Of the 100,000 people dead in Iraq, how many were due to Russian action, Iranian action and Al Qaeda Action.

I will take Andrew Sellin's word over that of an internet troll (8:50)

Also the Russian transporting of Iraqi WMDs in the guise of disaster relief is not convincing at all. There are no stories of how the relief went, because there was no relief from the airlift and truck column.

The inbred rejects of Russian society, who populate the FSB, should know that while Putin and the the upper echelon of the FSB will be taken care of in case of nuclear, they will be left hanging like a spider with its ass in the wind.

Anonymous said...

Fog of war, lies of war. Let the dust settle.

Anonymous said...

10:32 needs an imax for that projection.

Also: zero. The answer to your question of how many deaths Russia was responsible for in the US invasion of iraq is zero.

"Everyone who doesn't nod along with rachel maddow is a troll." said the WNU commenter.

fotis roinos said...

I totally agree with your take this is indeed a most serious turn of events witch will make covid look like a stroll in the park all sides should be now working double time to address the issue..

Sam said...

The Same thing happened in Syria. I seen the pictures. A chemical weapon shell with U.S. Serial number. They deleted the pictures but I swear to god I seen them.

Anonymous said...

Also: zero. The answer to your question of how many deaths Russia was responsible for in the US invasion of iraq is zero.


The Russians sold the Iraqis GPS dazzlers just ahead of the war.

Anonymous said...

Oh by that logic the US is guilty for civilian deaths in Ukraine because they provided stinger missiles and anti tank weapons

You twist and turn and twist and turn, the biolabs remain real and I side with the people who tell the truth, not some flag or flag pin. Fck flags.

If we have mass murdering demonic creatures among our own we better hold them accountable