Thursday, April 14, 2022

These Are The 12 Most Powerful People In China

Chinese President Xi Jinping sits securely at the nexus of power in China. But the men who surround him also wield immense political clout. Xie Huanchi/Xinhua 

Insider: These are the 12 most powerful people in China you've probably never heard of  

In the chess game of Chinese politics, it's not always clear who pulls the strings. Here are the 12 most influential people who hold the fate — and might — of a country of 1.4 billion people in their hands. 

You may not have heard the name Li Keqiang before — but you likely soon will. 

That's because when the Chinese premier steps down from power in March 2023, a decision he confirmed in March, it will trigger a significant reshuffle in the upper echelons of the Chinese government. In a country where the succession of power has happened both slowly and deliberately, Li's retirement could kick off a fundamental shift in roles among China's most powerful government body — the Politburo Standing Committee — and lead to further consolidation of power under Chinese leader Xi Jinping. 

The nexus of China's elite is often obscured by what appears to be the overwhelming control and centralization of power in Xi's hands. Having removed constitutional term limits on his role, Xi has positioned himself as the most powerful leader since Mao Zedong. He may now rule for life and continue regulating the country of 1.4 billion people with a tight grip on military reform, cybersecurity, and internet censorship. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: These 12 men have a lot of power, but there is growing dissent .... Xi stands by zero-COVID approach despite public anger: ‘Persistence is victory’ (The Hill).

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