Friday, April 8, 2022

Western Allies Angry That Germany Is Hesitant To Supply Weapons To Ukraine And To Cut-Off Russian Natural Gas Imports

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz  

Spiegel Online: The German Government’s Hesitance over the War Is Angering Allies 

Berlin has refused to go along with a gas embargo against Russia and it has been slow with weapons deliveries for Ukraine. The atrocities in Bucha are creating additional pressure for the German government to act. 

A state secret. It can be seen behind the security gate of the Marie Elisabeth Lüders Building, one of the many offices in Berlin of the German parliament, the Bundestag. Mobile phones and digital watches are prohibited in parliament’s Secret Protection Unit. Anyone who wants to read confidential documents here has to turn in their notes after reading them. They are kept locked until the next visit. 

Members of parliament often send their staff to the room if they have the appropriate security clearance. But the document currently displayed in the red folder is classified as being so secret by the federal government that only the parliamentarians themselves are allowed to read it.  

Read more ....  

Update: Germany to Ukraine: Sorry, no tanks (Politico)  

WNU Editor: Pressure on the German Chancellor to cut-off Russian gas even if it means rationing and putting the German economy into a deep recession/inflation is growing .... Awkward moment Olaf Scholz confronted over Germany funding Putin’s war machine (Express).  

Update #1: Russia must not win the war, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz tells Bundestag (DW)  

Update #2: Embracing military power, Olaf Scholz tries to lead Germany into a new era (Washington Post)


Anonymous said...

Merkel's gifts just keep on gibing.

Merkel's policies were wrong

1) Defense (She did not have a defense policy other than benign neglect and atrophy)
2) Energy (Close nuclear plants due to Fukushima and coal plants due to AGW theory)
3) Immigration policy: Let in large number of foreigners form non compatible civilizations.

Trump was right about #1.

Anonymous said...


"Merkel's gifts just keep on giving."

someone said...

Can you really be surprised that a german chancellor is hesitant to risk a major recession?Considering german history and what tends to happen when Germany goes down the drain?

Anonymous said...


Have you heard the old adage that "When you turn women upside down they all look alike"?

Shocking language, but I hope it helps stick in your mind.

Since being married to a person of another race and country for a long, long time, I figured something out. They think exactly like any other person. Exactly. Sure some of the setting are different such as thrift, but those are shaped by events both public and private. One example is "The Great Depression". It made some people inveterate penny pinchers and other spend thrifts. I know that any of the people from the country a generation or two later are nothing like those of their generation.

Germany in 1920 had two shocks, losing a war and The Great Depression. That is two as in plural. Count them. Two.

This would count as one shock.

I do not think Germans are any different in this regard than any other people.

Also unlike the War or the Depression there are things Germany can do to ameliorate the situation. One the US could assist, if they are smart. Two German would work half weeks and share a job. They have done this before in the last 30 years. There was a recession, but no one lost their jobs. They worked part time.

Sure it is going to suck. But them going to war? Get out of here and take your pop psychology with you.

Jac said...

Well, there are always good alibi's for not doing something. Germany enjoy the protection of NATO which give them their economic comfort, isn't it time for giving back a little bit.