Sunday, May 8, 2022

Ukraine Claims It Has Launched Attacks On Snake Island

Warzone/The Drive: Ukraine Strikes Back: Su-27s Bomb Occupied Snake Island In Daring Raid 

The Flankers flew extremely low over the water and popped up for a toss bombing run, hitting multiple targets in a single pass. Jaw-dropping footage released Saturday reportedly shows two Ukrainian Air Force Su-27 Flankers making a high-speed, low-level bombing run on Russian-occupied Snake Island located in the western Black Sea. 

Yet another Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 drone caught the strike on video, showing a tight shot of the island from the west. Two Su-27s enter very low from the south — lower than the lighthouse on the island’s southern point, while dropping infrared countermeasure flares. 

A southern approach makes sense both because of the guidepost the lighthouse provides to line up on target and that more likely than not, Russian defenders on the island will be primarily focused on looking north and west toward the Ukrainian coastline.  

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WNU Editor: The Russian Ministry of Defense is claiming the opposite. Because the island is difficult to defend it has been deserted, but when Ukrainian forces landed on the island to reclaim it the Russian military quickly launched attacks that destroyed the Ukrainian forces involved in the operation (see tweet below):

Update: A regular reader of this blog just emailed me to say that he has a problem with the bombing run of the two Ukrainian Su-27 in the first video. They only released one flare each (when they would be releasing scores of flares in such an attack), and that the second aircraft flew right over the massive explosion. Not a wise distance between the two aircraft. 

Update #2: I can understand why Ukraine would love to retake Snake Island. It would be a huge propaganda win for Ukraine if they could retake the island on the eve of Russia's Victory Day celebrations.

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