Saturday, June 18, 2022

With Multiple International Crisis Facing The White House, Will The U.S. Now Escalate?

Moon of Alabama: Ukraine - The U.S. Is Moving Towards Escalation 

The catastrophic economic consequences of the 'western' proxy war with Russia are setting in. As a result the high inflation, caused by supply side constrains due to sanctions and far too much spending, will ruin the middle classes of many countries. 

To those who did not wear blinders and who knew of the real economies of the 'west' and Russia this was very predictable and predicted:  

The U.S. is pushing its European 'allies' to commit economic suicide by sanctioning everything Russia. The U.S. should be more careful. It is one of the biggest buyers of Russian oil and its aircraft industry depends on titanium from Russia. Russia surely knows who is trying to hurt it the most and it surely knows how, and has the means to, hurt back. 

The hurt has not at all reached its peak. This winter will be very difficult for Europe. Poor countries are even worse off. Many will experience hunger crises and riots.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I have a different point of view. Many of America's adversaries see a very weak White House, and they are taking advantage of the situation. The US is not in charge, and they are now mostly reacting to ongoing events rather than shaping them.

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