Wednesday, September 28, 2022

U.S. Intelligence Steps-Up Monitoring Operations Against Russia

Flight-tracking websites have spotted US spy planes flying around the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. Senior Airman Greg Davis/U.S. Air Force/Reuters  

Business Insider: US spy planes appear to be monitoring a Russian enclave in Europe, possibly looking for signs of nuclear weapons activity 

* In recent weeks, flight-tracking sites have spotted US surveillance flights near Kaliningrad. 

* Kaliningrad is a Russian territory on the Baltic sea, separated from mainland Russia by Lithuania. 

* In 2018, Russia conducted a "major renovation" of a nuclear weapons site there, an expert said. 

The US military appears to be stepping up aerial surveillance of a Russian territory in Europe, potentially signalling concern that the Kremlin could decide to deploy or even use nuclear weapons in Ukraine as Russian leaders have warned. 

On Wednesday, a US electronic surveillance plane, the Boeing RC-135, departed from a base in the United Kingdom and circled around Kaliningrad, a Russian territory along the Baltic Sea — sharing no land border with the mainland — that was annexed after World War II, according to a flight tracking website. It was at least the third such flight in the past week.  

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WNU Editor: I am sure Russia is also monitoring the U.S. very closely.

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