Thursday, November 10, 2022

EU Leaders Accuse US Natural Gas Producers Of Profiteering On The Energy Crisis EU Leaders Accuse U.S. Natural Gas Producers Of Profiteering 

* European leaders are unhappy with natural gas prices. 

* Some leaders are insisting that the EU impose a price cap on all natural gas imports, regardless of origin. 

* U.S. LNG has been more expensive than pipeline gas coming from Russia in real terms. 

Last month, France’s president Emmanuel Macron accused the United States of a “double standard” because of the difference between the price at which liquefied natural gas produced in the U.S. sells in Europe and the price at which natural gas sells within the U.S. 

“The North American economy is making choices for the sake of attractiveness, which I respect, but they create a double standard,” Macron said, also adding that “they allow state aid going to up to 80% on some sectors while it’s banned here -- you get a double standard.”  

Read more ....  

Update: US and EU argue over claims of gasoline disaster profiteering (Businesslend).  

WNU Editor: EU talk of imposing a price cap on all natural gas imports, regardless of origin, in a market of global shortages, will only mean one thing. No one is going to sell natural gas to the EU if they can sell natural gas at a better price somewhere else. 

Update #2: The Chinese are saying the same thing .... Beijing: US caused Ukraine conflict, profiteering from EU gas crisis (Al Mayadeen).


Anonymous said...


You don't say...

If only someone had come to this conclusion sooner.

Welcome to Weimerica, Germans. Let's see how long you tolerate it this time.

Amp1776 said...

Why wouldn't they follow Bidens lead?

Amp1776 said...

But yeah ok. Maybe that will help the price a bit.

Amp1776 said...

They laughed at Trump when he warned them. He who laughs last....