Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Free-Speech Video Platform Rumble Suspends Access In France After Being Threatened By The Government to Remove Russian News Sources

WNU Editor: Rumble is YouTube's main competitor. Not surprisingly. There is a news black-out on this story on Google news. In fact. Most Western outlets are not touching this story. 

Not surprising, Russian media is covering this story extensively .... Video service suspends access in France over censorship demand (RT). More here .... Rumble to 'Turn Off France Entirely' After Paris Demands Russian Media Be Blocked (Sputnik).

On a personal note. I like Rumble. I can easily see them being a serious competitor to YouTube in the next few years. The stock market is also in agreement (link here).


Anonymous said...

I do not go to Russian, Chinese or Pakistani news sites. I have a fear of malware or tracking for other than commercial purposes.

I would like to go to such sites. I would treat anything from there with a big grain of salt, but by at least going there periodically it would protect against getting blind sided.

One site I would like to go to DAWN especially during the Afghanistan war.

Reason for visiting such site are:

1) See what the opposition is saying or thinking
2) Not to get BLINDSIDED
3) For laughs

Seriously, the way things are going is reading TASS or Pravda worse than reading the NYT, WaPo, Time, Newsweak, Slate, Daily Beast etc.

Americans live in the time of DARK BRANDON and his Nuremberg Speech (Sep 1, 2022)

What the government could do is inspect those site for malware and such problems and let people make up their own minds. They could also set up a fact checking site and list why TASS or PRAVDA are wrong.

But to outright ban? No way. The USG is more of a threat immediately than Russia is.

The Pelosi house has sensor to detect windows breaking, motion sensors and cameras. There is private security watching the neighborhood. There are special patrols of San Francisco Officers and capitol police.

Once it came out that it is known that Capitol Police watch Pelosi's house the Capitol Police had to make up the story that "Yes ,we do, but we were stretched so thin it we were not watching that day."

We all know what happened. Like the Secret Service looked the other way when JFK was whopping it up, police were looking the other way when Paul Pelosi brought in two younger men. They turned a deaf ear to any noise until it got too loud.

But Brandon is going to go out and blame Republicans tonight. Paul's dalliance is going to be the biggest payment for prostitution in the history of the world and the American people are going to pay the price.

Anonymous said...

What exactly do you think a foreign news site with millions of daily visitors can do to you via malware without detection? I appreciate all of your points but one could very easily consume all of that content through an RSS feed on your phone or pc, where you never even touch their domains.

Anonymous said...

What exactly do you think a foreign news site with millions of daily visitors can do to you via malware without detection?'

Several years back I got malware form the Fox news site. Millions of people go to that site.
Fox news like others sold page space to brokers, who sol it to a 3rd part, who were not on the up and up.

Tik Tok sends back data to China and it is used by millions of people. The US government has done what exactly?

American hackers have been and will be bested at times. You cannot be sure you know that you have been hackled.

Computer viruses/malware are like real viruses and other diseases. Sometimes you catch an STD (pre-HIV) like syphilis and you are asymptomatic.

How China Uses TikTok to Collect Your Personal Data, and Why You Should Be Concerned