Friday, November 18, 2022

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Reveals His Daughter to The Worlds In Photos At A Missile Test

Business Insider: Kim Jong Un just revealed his daughter to the world in photos of North Korea's latest launch of a massive missile 

* Kim Jong Un was seen with his wife and a young girl at a missile test on Friday. 

* North Korean state news identified the girl as Kim's daughter. 

* Kim is extremely secretive about his family, but he is thought to have three children. 

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un unveiled his daughter to the world in new images released on Friday that showed him strolling around with a young girl as the rogue state tested the massive Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile. 

North Korean state media outlet KCNA said that Kim was at the launch with his "beloved daughter and wife." As North Korea expert Ankit Panda noted on Twitter, "we've never seen his daughter" in public until now.  

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WNU Editor: This is nothing new. While working and doing business in Asia it was very common to see children present. The rational is that by being exposed to business at a very young age,  when they are twenty-five they would have already had 15 years or more of business education and experience and a huge head-start on their competition.


Anonymous said...

Americans are making a big mistake. Take you son or daughter to work day is just one day a year.

Kids should be put to work at age 7 or before. Light work and then whatever they can handle. I bet everyone works more efficiently and with more decorum.

Anonymous said...

one of the comments on the twitter thread was "nice looking family ngl"

Anonymous said...

A lot of people don't really need to read, just like everyone doesnt need a car. Careful what we wish for.