Saturday, November 5, 2022

President Biden Calls Afghanistan A ‘God-Forsaken Place’


NYPost: Biden says ‘my shotgun’ ready to ward off recession, calls Afghanistan ‘God-forsaken place’  

So much for message discipline. President Biden repeatedly disparaged Afghanistan as a “God-forsaken place” Friday and jokingly threatened to use “my shotgun” to protect the US economy against a recession during a rambling speech in San Diego. 

The president, who turns 80 later this month, also mused about his late father returning as a ghost to “strangle me” and confused Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett with General Motors CEO Mary Barra. “A lot of you have been to Afghanistan. 

I’ve been to every part of it. It’s a God-forsaken place — it’s a God-forsaken place,” Biden said, after using the term one other time while recounting being part of a 2008 congressional trip that got stranded in the snow.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Taliban have responded .... Taliban Lambaste Biden for Calling Afghanistan ‘God-Forsaken’ (VOA).


Anonymous said...

Probably the only truthful comment to come out of this guys mouth in 30 years. It is a hell hole, both geographically and culturally.

But saying this would be a weeks worth of news under trump. (remember the kick back when trump said some nations were shit holes). This story will be in a memory hole tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

We’ve given them a Billion dollars since we left, money no one can/will account for while our debt is 120% of GDP.

Anonymous said...

12:04 AM needs to be upvoted.

Actually Biden's comment was worse than Trump's comment.

Saying a a Muslim country is God forsaken is bound to make a lot of Muslims mad. At least internally the MSM will clean up Biden's stinky.

Anonymous said...

It is a shithole. It now grows and sells more opium than ever. Women are worse off than ever. And Biden right.

Anonymous said...

So Biden is right. He gets no credit. When your guy says it and get shit on and then the other guy says and gets praised or not criticized, then you are going to stick to the other party no matter what.

Caecus said...

the US spent 20 years and so many trillions on that place, how foolish was that?

Anonymous said...

Wars (or at least game simulations of them) have constraints like engineering and math problems.

To make a game playable game companies have time/turn constraints or logistical or political constraints.

There is a commercial Vietnam War simulation, which has mechanics and a constraint
such that of the Us and USSR escalate to nukes, then you lost the game.

The Afghan War seemingly had a constraint. That is to get Pakistan's 'cooperation', we had to turn a blind eye to their backstabbing.

When a problem has so many or such constraint as to be unsolvable, the the problem is called intractable.

The Afghan war was intractable from the start. So do nothing? That has its own set of problems and costs.

The problem was that a majority pf politicians, media and the public did not define or acknowledge the constraints. they tried to muddle through, use half measure or kick the can down the road.

Another constraint of the Afghan War was the 'Pottery Barn rule'.

Once you have your immutable or self imposed constraints, you can look at your plans and resources and game out your chance of success.

Neither our politicians, public or execrable journalists have such knowledge.

For some reason journalist think making a few shiny graphics is a good stand in for analysis and war games.