Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Should We Fear The Rise Of Russia's Hardliners?

Bloomberg: Rise of Russia Hardliners Sows Fear In Putin’s Elite 

(Bloomberg) -- The rise of outspoken hardliners in the Kremlin is alarming insiders fearful the Russian president will heed their calls for even more confrontation abroad and sweeping repression at home. 

Senior business executives and government officials have watched with growing worry as players they once considered marginal like Yevgeny Prigozhin, known for his Wagner mercenary company and recruiting of prison inmates to fight in Ukraine, have become the public forces behind Vladimir Putin’s push to step up his increasingly all-encompassing war effort.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I share the same concerns that are expressed in the above Bloomberg article, but I think the author is missing a bigger point. 

It is Russian society itself that is becoming hardcore on what needs to be done in Ukraine, how to respond to the West, and what needs to be done in Russia itself. And these "hardcore" Russian leaders .... that even includes well known moderates like former President Medvedev .... are only channeling what most Russians are feeling right now. 

And here is another important point. The driving force behind this change in mood and altitude is not the war, or Western Russo-phobia, though they are fueling it. It is Russian nationalism. 

Russian nationalism has always been very strong. While it was suppressed by Soviet authorities, they were never successful in stamping out. And after the breakup of the Soviet Union, it started to rise again, first by how Russian minorities were being discriminated against in the Soviet republics that became independent, and then by Putin himself who saw how this resonated with the electorate. 

But the war and Western reaction has propelled this hardcore nationalism to an entirely different level. It is now front and center, and I do not think most (if not all) Westerners have caught on. 

In my own conversations with relatives/friends/and contacts in Russia I have experienced first hand this change in mood. People who were opposed to the invasion in March now support it. People I knew who were opposed to Putin's policies in the past now embrace them. Relatives who were always ignorant and/or not caring about politics are now focused on it everyday. Business contacts that always wanted to do business in the West now spit on it. And all of it revolves around protecting Russia from those who want to do harm to its people.

And it gets worse.

Russia for Russians. Business leaders must focus on building and investing in Russia, not the West. Those who leave Russia should not come back. 

I am hearing it all.

And that is why today's announcement that Russian military forces are going to retreat from Kherson concerns me. It is only going to reinforce the need to escalate the war to an entirely different level. And no one in Russia is going to oppose it and/or give an alternative pathway for the country to follow.


Anonymous said...


If Himmler replaces Hitler, then we will have worser hardliners!

Anonymous said...

If the best you can hope for is the rise of himmler, why is it worth the blood and treasure?

Anonymous said...

That’s a rhetorical question by the way. We never will try regime change by force.

Anonymous said...

Russia want Kyiv for themselves.

But Moscow was only one of the principalities that descended from Kievan Rus. It is the only one that survived as a principality. Those in the west were absorbed by Poland for a time. But won their freedom and fought in Ukraine against the nomads and the Turks. They accepted the Czar's suzerainty. But the Bolsheviks overthrew the Czar. So it is not so cut and dried that Ukraine should still be part of Russia.

Russia could have gotten farther with honey than poison. But they blew it.

If Russia wants Ukraine back based on Keivan Rus antecedents, then the Germans want Kaliningrad back.

Let's not forget that the Moscow principality survived as the preeminent principality and then the only one, was because they were the tax collectors for the Mongols. Not exactly heroic stuff.

Maybe if there is a new Caliphate and it grows large, Moscow can survive by collecting taxes for it from itself, Sweden, Poland and other countries?

Anonymous said...

5:30 /5:21

Substitute Putin for Hitler and the threatened worse hardliners for Himmler.

We are all suppose to be shaking in our boots that Putin may be replaced by worser hardliners if, Russia does not get its way.

Too bad Goebbels did not try that trick.

Anonymous said...

In 1914 the kaiser was undisputed head of the German Empire. 2 years later Hindenburg and Luddendorf were de facto in charge. Russia seems to be going through a similar process. Putin can only supress hardline sentiments for only a short time. Ultimately these are the only ones who are reliably prowar no matter the cost.

Anonymous said...

Germany had a parliament, prior to WW1. It was called the Reichstag. The passed things like a social security system. The Kaiser was not undisputed or put it this way 100% in control.

"Before the First World War, Churchill admired the German social security system,"

Part of the reason Ludendorf and Hindenburg were put in charge was not just t win the war, It was to win the war quickly, because Germany was in extremis and people were starving due the British blockade.

Anonymous said...

Putin is not the problem. It is the West that started this mess. But yes, if not Putin then who? My vote goes for Strelnikov. :)