Monday, November 7, 2022

Turkish President Is Saying That German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Has Changed His Opinion Of Putin

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Turkish President Erdogan (Reuters)  

Anadolu Agency: German chancellor has changed his stance, wants ‘common ground’ with Russia, says Turkish president  

Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s remarks came during live interview 

The German chancellor has changed his stance over Russia, saying that “we should find a common ground” with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, the Turkish president said on Wednesday. 

Recalling Tuesday's phone call with his German counterpart Olaf Scholz, Erdogan highlighted the importance of “personal relations,” to bring “the most important steps” in diplomacy. 

“We talked about this (importance of personal relations) with Mr. Putin yesterday,” Erdogan said during a live interview jointly broadcast by ATV, A Haber, A News and A Para.  

Read more ....  

Update: Erdogan: German Chancellor Scholz has changed his opinion on Putin (Pravda) 

WNU Editor: All past German Chancellors have always viewed the need to having close ties with Moscow as critical to their country's future and well being. Not only to have access to Russian resources and markets, but to keep the peace in Europe even if it meant making compromises and decisions to the detriment of other European nations. 

There is also the history of World War Two, and what Germany did to Russia. Another reason why past German Chancellors were always sensitive to Russian security concerns and worries, and why these concerns had to be always met, even if other European states and the US were critical of Germany's decisions. 

When elected last year German Chancellor Olaf Scholz decided to pursue a different policy, and instead of providing leadership to address Russia's security concerns in the fall of 2021, he stayed silent. 

I speculated at the time that because German Chancellor Olaf Scholz leads a fragile coalition, he had to make compromises, and one of them was not addressing Russian concerns. Was that a mistake? Definitely, and we are now reaping the world-wind of those decisions. 

The sad part of Erdogan's remarks is that even if Scholz has changed his opinion of Putin, I know that it is now too late. Russia - German relations are in ruins, and Moscow will never trust Berlin again. To say that both counties will be poorer because of this is an understatement. And as for European security. It will definitely be insecure and very fragile.


Anonymous said...

I don't see the world ever trusting Russia again, never mind Russia not trusting Germany.

Anonymous said...

Russia would have been further ahead following China's lead and building Confucius institutes than invading Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

I have expected this regret of Bidens policy towards Russia. Next is a retreat from Biden’s Ukrainian policies. After the absolutely terrible midterm elections I expect France, Germany and others to take a free hand in trying to end hostilities, regardless of American demands. Biden will be crippled after tomorrow. Republicans will be forced to curtail the endless Ukrainian aid, their base aren’t fans.

Tomorrow is a new day in Europe and Russia would be wise to engage. After all NATO could be fractured as a result of these new fissures and that benefits russia.

Anonymous said...

You don't pump 100 billion dollars into isolating Europe for your own energy markets just to let some charlie brown MFer undo it all. Scholz will go. His owners will see to it.

Anonymous said...

8:26 IS SOOOOO CLEVER. If the US can get rid of Scholz-amatic, then they could also make the Greens and SPD into controlled opposition and Merkel would not have done the damage that she did in the first place.

100 billion? Can you itemize that sonny boy or you just like throwing out big round numbers to impress people and the size of the number alone proves you point?

Schulz's owners are rumored to e the KGB/FSB. Really no different than Merkel.

Anonymous said...

Yup just threw out a big round number and then you came along and did the funny all-caps thing steaming mad, keyboard strewn across the room, wife with another unexplainable shiner. Big win for me, actually. Let's see what my bait will catch me next time.

Anonymous said...

"did the funny all-caps thing steaming mad,"

Mad? No. Merely conservation of energy. After I looked up from the keyboard, I saw the caps, and refused to backspace.
If I took the caps lock key off the keyboard where it sits next to the "a" key, you would not see CAPS it. Keep dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Should of left the comments off. WNU