Friday, November 11, 2022

U.S. Moves To Counter Growing Opposition In Europe To The Energy Crisis And Support Of Ukraine

Protest against Czech government’s handling of the energy crisis erupt and its support of Ukraine in Prague  

Politico: U.S. races to shore up European support for Ukraine strategy  

Some countries with populations that support Russia are blaming Washington for rising energy costs

U.S. officials are increasingly worried about keeping their allies on board with Washington’s approach to countering Russia in Ukraine as economic pressures grow across Europe. 

American officials based in Europe are issuing internal warnings to Washington colleagues that some countries with populations that support Russia are growing angry over sanctions and blame the U.S. for rising costs. 

That sentiment could put pressure on European leaders to pull back support for the sanctions, officials said in internal reports circulated throughout the administration in recent days and viewed by POLITICO.  

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WNU Editor: U.S. officials have cause to be "worried" on keeping European allies onboard. There are no solutions to resolve the energy crisis, and the economic and social costs in Europe are starting to impact everyone. 

The protests are also growing, and European governments have been elected out of office. Another reason why some EU politicians are now hesitating to commit even more resources to Ukraine.

The best way to resolve all of these problems is to end the war. But I see no serious commitment from any the participants in this war to go down this path, and a growing number of Europeans are beginning to realize that.


Anonymous said...

"The best way to resolve all of these problems is to end the war"

and you keep suggesting, pleading, or dunning people to do just that. everyone except russia

Pop up thought is that Joe Biden will not stop. It is one leg for a platform that would support his reelection. He has not been hurt and as a successful wartime president, he will milk it. Does not matter that he always dragged his feet on every new weapon system delivery. Does not matter, since he has spin doctors and willing presstitutes in the media.

The best the warmongers in moscow can hope for is an armistice forced on Ukraine based on the 2014 line of demarcation. That is it.

I do not like Biden. He is grasping at straws. He will certainly grasp at the successful wartime president straw. Bet on it.

Anonymous said...

Biden policies wage economic war on Europe and a kinetic war on Russia. It’s the most cynical and stupid policy imaginable. At some point Russia and Europe will find common cause against America.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that 11:14 is a Russian troll. But I am going to leave the comment alone.

Anonymous said...

Paramount+ Show Features Character Accusing DeSantis of Sex Assault

At quick glance I thought the press had "found" a woman accusing DeSantis of sexual assault. I think that will be the whole point of such headlines in the MSM.

The actual series is fictional and it turns out that De Santis does/did no such thing. it is a fictional exercise using the names of two (2) real politicians.

It comes right up to the line. It even crosses it a little bit, but no one is going to call them on it or punish them.


Limbaugh: CBS Airs Madam Secretary “To Condition The People Of This Country To Hillary Clinton”

Rush Limbaugh: “It Made Me Realize What We're Up Against Here ... The Producers Of This Program Are Clearly In The Tank For Hillary”

That was 7 years ago.

I feel utterly stupid. I feel very stupid. Why did I believe that they would stop, that things would get better?

The Russians have paid the Clinton Initiative.
The Russians have paid bill Clinton directly.
The Russians have paid hunter Biden.

Yeah, yeah, paying Hunter Biden is no big deal. Everyone has done it. the Chinese, the Ukrainians, the Russians, MBNA bank holding company, ...

It would be shorter to list the people, who did not pay Hunter.

The usual blackmail, selling secrets might be regarded as tactical. Have the Russians thought of going strategic in regards to American elites who have taken bribes or have been suborned? Have they thought of using the truth is a big way, not in dribs & drabs or penny packets.

In the fictional novel "Sword of Shannara" the villain is literally killed with the truth. Yes, there are a lot of critics of the novel. Some say it is a Tolkein knock off and it is probably true. I'll just give you that. Even how the villain ends might have been done before. But have the Russians considered the truth and using it?

Sure, the Russians do stuff too and two wrongs do not make a right. But just because the other guy is dirty also, does not mean that you get off scot free.

But the Russians are keeping their powder dry for some odd reason.

These people will not stop. If things go poorly, they have the MSM and Hollywood to spin for them.

Anonymous said...

>"and you keep suggesting, pleading, or dunning people to do just that. everyone except russia

Everyone except Russia is suffering economic collapse. You're too ideologically blinded to see such basic reasoning.

>"I suspect that 11:14 is a Russian troll. But I am going to leave the comment alone."

Except you didn't. I suspect you have a neanderthal's brow but I am going to leave the comment alone.

Anonymous said...

"Everyone except Russia is suffering economic collapse. "

WNU keeps pointing out Europe, while opining that Russia will weather it and even is growing GDP wise. If you sell the same amount of oil to China and India instead of Europe and you sell it for a discount, how does the GDP grow exactly.

I expect Russia to be fine once the war is over and they get better leaders. People might have to get over that there are still there. Once that is done boys will be boys and girls will be girls.

11:14 insinuated a lot and was very generic, so it was and still is hard to refute it without going into volumes. I think that was 11:14's ploy and intent. So yes, i mostly left it alone.

"I suspect you have a Neanderthal's brow" Now that is rather specific and not overly broad and generic like 11:14's comment.

Neanderthals Were Smarter Than You Think
Neanderthals weren't just smart – they might have taught humans a thing or two
The Smart Neanderthal: Bird catching, Cave Art, and the Cognitive Revolution

2:10 PM You should update your nineteenth century view of Neanderthals. Where did you pick up such a view? In kindergarten back in the 1940s?

Anonymous said...

like you could do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

but maybe not within two years

Anonymous said...

zzz catfight