Saturday, April 8, 2023

Biden Administration Report Blames Former President Trump On Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan


NBC: Biden White House largely blames Trump admin for troubled U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan  

A new report from the National Security Council largely blamed former President Donald Trump's administration for the breakdown that occurred after U.S. troops withdrew. 

WASHINGTON — The White House released a report Thursday about the decisions made regarding the 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, including the bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 U.S. service members. 

The 12-page report by the National Security Council summarizes the administration's assessment of the withdrawal and largely blames former President Donald Trump's administration for the chaos that unfolded as U.S. troops were leaving and as Americans and Afghans evacuated from the country. 

The Taliban took over the government and have remained in power. "President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor," the report said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Former President Trump has responded .... Trump Blasts 'Moron' Biden After White House Blames Him for Afghan Chaos (Newsweek). 

Biden Administration Report Blames Former President Trump On Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan  

Biden review of chaotic Afghan exit blames Trump -- AP  

Biden Afghanistan report mostly blames Trump for chaotic US withdrawal -- Reuters

Biden administration report on Afghanistan mostly blames Trump for disastrous withdrawal -- France 24

Biden administration blames Trump in part for chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal -- CBS News 

U.S. report on Afghanistan evacuation blames intelligence failures, Trump administration -- PBS News  

White House Review Blames Botched Afghan Withdrawal Entirely On Trump -- Zero Hedge


RussInSoCal said...

The list of Biden/Media lies:

Crossfire Hurricane
Steele Dossier
Russian Collusion
Bret Kavanaugh: "Gang Rapist"
Ukraine Phone Call High Crimes
Jussie Smollet: Trumper Hate Crime Victim
White Supremacist Nick Sandman Harassed Nathan Phillips
Covid-19 Came From Wuhan Wet Market
Russian Bounties on US Soldiers
"I’ve Never Spoken to My Son About His Overseas Business Dealings"
Hunter Biden Laptop: Russian Disinformation
Bubba Wallace NASCAR Noose
81>74 Legitimate Election 2020
Jan 6 "Organized White Supremacist Insurrection"
CPO Brian Sicknick Bludgeoned by Fire Extinguisher
Lafayette Park Cleared for Trump Photo Op
GOP Defunded Police
Michael Avenatti: "Trump's Worst Nightmare"
Georgia, Texas Voting Laws Are Jim Crow 2.0
Hunter Biden Artwork Sales Not an Influence Scheme
White Supremacists Plotted to Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer
Andrew Cuomo: "America's Governor"
Biden's AFG Surrender: "Extraordinary Success"
The Southern Border is Under Control
Texas Border Patrol Whips/Straps Haitians
$3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Bill Costs “Zero Dollars.”
Kyle Rittenhouse: White Supremacist Terrorist Murderer
SUV Kills Six in Waukesha Christmas Parade Accident
Democrats Never Spied on President Trump
Biden Policies Did Not Raise The Price of Oil
Putin Price Hike!
There Are no US funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine
Biden Admin Never Claimed Sanctions Will Deter Russian Invasion
Florida Passed "Don't Say Gay" Law
7 Hour Trump Phone Log Gap
Jan 6 Protesters “Illegally Stormed” The Capitol Building
Our Policies Did Not Create The Migration Increases - Mayorkis
Ultra MAGA Crowd Most Extreme Political Organization That’s Existed in American history
No Crack Pipes in Gov't Safe Smoking Kits
Inflation is Transitory
Two Consecutive Quarters of GDP Decline is Not The Definition of a Recession
Systemic Racism is The Major Threat to US National Security
DOJ: Applying The Law Evenly Without Fear or Favor.
Neither The US, Nor It's Proxies Had Anything to do With Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing
Trump Stashed Nuclear Secrets at Mar-a-Lago
FTX Bankman-Fried: "The New J.P. Morgan"
Chinese Spy Balloons: No Big Deal, Trump's Fault
East Palestine, Norfolk Southern Chemical Disaster: All is Well, Trump's Fault
US Banking System is Strong And Resilient

Anonymous said...

Wait until election year when they'll pin the Great San Francisco Earthquake, the German invasion of Poland & the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour on Trump. CNN will eat it up. heh heh heh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doug Macgregor penned the order such that the pullout was to happen in the winter during the calm. The deepstaters that installed Biden instead blocked it's implementation 6 months until their guy got in (and the fighting season was again at it's height) and the results were a puppet government that couldn't even stand on it's own legs for 24 hours.

It's stupid to blame it on Trump, and it's almost equally stupid to blame it on Biden. The reason it was disastrous was the blob members who will still be there after Biden is gone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Of course these blobbers are not going to take responsibility. They never do.
Just like some of these ukie rah rah progressives on this blog . Never admit they are wrong, never apologize, and continue with their ideological fantasies
Can't answer 5 simple questions. To busy spreading the GS msm narrative

Anonymous said...

Crazy long list, but sadly true @ RussInSoCall

Anonymous said...

More lies from the admiral

Anonymous said...

The air filters in your bunker need changing, Russ.

Anonymous said...

Amazing list, had to just say that.

Anonymous said...

Trump responds with name-calling. I called foes "morons" when I was in Jr. High School. Trump is in his 70's. I am done with Trump.

Hans Persson said...

I call people morons all day long, because its true.

Anonymous said...


You are an idiot.

Ron is on target

Name one of those ops / stories that were not fake?

Problem with guys like you is that you would like to wipe every citizen's memory of those events so you can keep lying to us.

You got the weekend cubical shift at Hanover, didn't you?

You are worthy of distain.

Anonymous said...

I blame Hank Williams

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey 12:14, you are the perfect representative of the modern GOP.

A whinging nut who claims victimhood because their party runs terrible candidates that push loopy policies most of the country doesn't support.

For instance, women don't like being told by the state what to do with their bodies.

Anonymous said...

The Dumpofuks have been trashing Trump and the people who voted him for the last 6 years, pretty much however they saw fit. Yeah I wish Trump were more wise in what he says and how he says it, but if the Dumpfucks don't give a shit when they use pejoritives to describe the other side, why should Trump?

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:49 I'm not a woman but I also don't like being told what to do with my body. Like Obama's Non-Affordable Health Care Act, which insisted we get coverage that we couldn't afford, then FINED us for not being able to afford it. Brilliant! Actually, it's not the GOP that's addicted to telling citizens what they can or can't do. That prize belongs to the Dems, by far. And no I'm not GoP or Dem, because the whole business is just a second grade partisan shit show

Anonymous said...


You are full of crap. You are the one running the victim campaign.
Lets use the facts
The part of the country that does not support trump? That majority is in the cities, liberal progressive and caring less about their neighbors.

The GOP? That is part of the blob along with the DEMs and the MSM.

Is it loopy not to want war?

Is it loopy to have a secure border?

Is it loopy to fight against establishment that has controlled this country for more than 40 years who have driven it into the ground?

Is it loopy to oppose giving kids puberty blockers

is it loopy to fight to keep males out of female sports?

No none of that is loopy , you idiot. It is common sense

But you are not bright enough to see it.
2000 year of western civilization is wasted on imbeciles like you.

Anonymous said...

Well, yeah, it is loopy and disgusting to want girls to register their menstrual cycles with the state in order to play HS sports.

And I don't see any Democrats throwing temper tantrums when they lose an election.

But I suppose the definition of victimhood varies for CHUDS.

Anonymous said...

Obma Care is dumb. Just wait. GOP has a plan they will deliver in two weeks. When was that said? oh. two years ago

RussInSoCal said...

FEC: Trump-Stormy case ‘not a campaign finance violation’

Anonymous said...

Why are you even here libtard. Slow day at the abortion clinic?

Anonymous said...

It's his technique to rally numbers on election day among the normally non-voting. Obviously he has more articulate thoughts than this.

Anonymous said...

bingo, that's his reasoning

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whoa 🤯 thanks

Anonymous said...

Scatch / Neither The US, Nor It's Proxies Had Anything to do With Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing ? From the list...