Saturday, April 8, 2023

UK Intelligence Says Russian Military Forces Continue To Advance In The Battle For Bakhmut


FOX News: Russia threatens Ukraine eastern supply lines as it has 'likely' seized Bakhmut town center: UK intel  

Ukraine has not acknowledged any Russian takeover of Bakhmut 

Russian forces are threatening a key supply route for Ukrainian troops and have "likely" seized the center of Bakhmut after more than six months of brutal fighting over the town, the U.K. defense ministry said Friday. 

Russian troops, largely led by Wagner mercenary forces, have been attempting to encircle the town to pinch it from the north and south, and on Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he would pull their forces from the area if that threat became too great. "In recent days, Russian forces have regained some momentum in the battle for Bakhmut. 

Since late March 2023 their advance had largely stalled," the ministry said in its daily intelligence assessment. "Russia has made further gains and has now highly likely advanced into the town center, and has seized the west bank of the Bakhmutka River."  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The Western media narrative is that Russia's military forces are suffering staggering losses .... 177,000 Dead: Putin Might Win In Bakhmut, But His Ukraine War is a Disaster (19FortyFive), and that they are all surrendering .... Putin's Forces Are Surrendering at Surging Pace: Ukraine Official (Newsweek). 

The Ukrainian sources that I trust tell me that the battle for Bakhmut has resulted in Ukraine losing thousands of its best soldiers defending a city where Russian fire-power was at a magnitude 7 to 10 times greater than what Ukraine could muster, and more importantly, the expenditure and loss of munitions and equipment that will be difficult to replace. 

 The Russia sources that I trust tell me that the city has been "operationally surrounded" for weeks, and there are currently thousands of Ukrainian soldiers trapped in a small pocket in the Western section of the city.  

Update: A photo-gallery on the battle for Bakhmut .... The Battle For Bakhmut: The Bloodiest Infantry Brawl Since World War II (RFE). 

UK Intelligence Says Russian Military Forces Continue To Advance In The Battle For Bakhmut  

Putin’s forces ‘reach centre’ of key Ukrainian city Bakhmut in bloody battle -- The Independent  

Russia seizes Bakhmutka River's west bank, says UK defence ministry -- Reuters 

Ukraine at Risk of Losing Critical Town to Russia as Personnel Losses Mount -- US News and World Reprot  

Russian forces likely seized Bakhmut center, threaten supply lines -- NYPost


Anonymous said...

But didn't one of the Ukie rah rahs ragweeds say yesterday that the Russians are losing?

They are losing, and that is why they keep on advancing. Right?

knuckle head.

Anonymous said...

Here is one trend I have seen with western reporting.

If the Russians gain anything. Or if the Russians are advancing. The western media always, always says it is with:

significant losses.
deviating casualties
debilitating casualty rates.
or some other verbiage that means a large number of Russians died.

Not once in the last year have I seen:
Minimal losses,
light casualty rates,

expected amount of casualties for such an operation.

So going forward, with respect to casualty rates:

Do not expect any other verbiage of the western press. Take it with a large grain of salt realizing that you are dealing with a well oiled propaganda machine.

Where the casualties high in this latest operation?

Maybe they were!! , but then again maybe not.

But With the jackass liars who report our news, how will we ever know?

Anonymous said...

Didn’t your dad fuck his sister?

Anonymous said...


You sir, are a vulgar moron. Gutless and needing a new disposition.

Anonymous said...

It took 8 years to design and build the trench network that was supposed to churn up sickening amounts of Russian soldiers as they raced over the top in haphazard columns. There are calculations to determine the approximate number of casualties that such a poorly planned offensive would inflict. The expectation was that this hive of fortifications, with a depth of over a hundred miles, would consume the entire Russian army. Then the Russians... didn't do that.

Instead they've held back and let standoff weaponry churn up the trenches, without a timetable for completion. The second part is the real magic that undid all the experts' predictions. While western planners and pundits are obsessed with territory and timetables, Russian command seemingly only cares about casualty ratios and their ability to maintain operations indefinitely.

Now all the experts, with their WW2-tier analysis in tatters, are left to either eat their own words or stick their head in the sand. Most ignore that this has become a war of production and each side's ability to operate within their means, without depleting itself treasure or blood, is a far more insightful metric than the 3 to 1 defenders odds "wisdom" of the previous century.

Ron said...

I was a Marine Grunt from '75 to '78. My first year we trained small unit Jungle patrol because of the Vietnam era. in '77 we came back state side and began desert warfare training in 29 palms. we had one big war game against an army regiment. Israeli generals oversaw the war games and gave critic. in 1973, the Yum Kippur war pitted the Israelis with our equipment and tactics against Egypt with Russian equipment and tactics. The Israelis were decisive in victory and were now the experts.

This current war seems to be the same thing. Both sides testing out their kit. because of the massive gaslighting from both sides, I'm not sure whose is the best but I can say that the Ukes are not getting our best kit. I am very surprised by what seems like the WW1 nature of the fighting.

Hans Persson said...

Few days i saw something i never thought i would ever see:

In what is an advance to retake a specific dubbed now as "T shape" , look it up.
At the end one of the 2 tanks runs up and bury all 30 Russians, some of them still alive.
Only one survived that they managed to dig up.
He's answer about what he thought about the tactic was simply "Brilliant."

This was is so freaking weird with WW1 style fortifications that makes all of them locked at a certain position until they get killed by drones or precision strikes.

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

Sources said Kiev would fall in 3 days… over a year ago… think u need new sources and less propaganda.

Hans Persson said...

Who? Me?