Saturday, April 8, 2023

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken Says A Chinese Unilateral Move On Taiwan Would Hit 'Literally Every Country On Earth'


Euronews: A Chinese unilateral move on Taiwan would hit 'literally every country on earth,' Blinken warns  

Any attempt by China to forcefully change the status quo with Taiwan would hit "quite literally every country on earth," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned in an interview with Euronews in which he also made clear his country does not seek a direct confrontation with Beijing. 

China considers Taiwan a breakaway province and has vowed to reunite the democratic island with the mainland, a goal that Western countries interpret as a coded language for a possible full-scale military intervention sometime in the future. 

These fears have drastically increased after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has caused an evident deterioration in relations between China and the West.  

Read more .... 

 WNU Editor: The war of words between China and the U.S. continues .... US ready for war with China – congressman (RT).


Anonymous said...

The Powers That Be seem intent on ginning up a war with China.

Not sure why since America would lose or it would go nuclear.

Creative destruction wins again.

Thanks capitalism.

Hans Persson said...

I'm not convinced that the "US" would lose.

Anonymous said...

Good points

Anonymous said...

Good point

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rep Michael McCaul sons and daughters will be the first pair of boots on the ground in Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

the govt of the US does not state specifically that any attempt to take over Taiwan by China will bring the US into a war to help defend Taiwan. I am unclear what our policy really is.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, can't wait to find out

Ron said...

Just bring the high tech chip making back to US/Canada/EU and then China can do what it thinks is best. Instead of giving Ukraine another 100 Billion dollars how about using that money subsidize building the high tech plants here. Use the same corrupt model they use to subsidize EV/solar panels/wind mills. at least the high tech chips are useful.

Anonymous said...

Hard to understand why South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan would just willingly give over all their proprietary chip technology that has made them rich. I know that's the plan, and I know it's a good strategic move for the US economy, I just don't see what they get out of it and what their motivation would be to cripple their own economies like that.

Hans Persson said...

We have no idea what kind of promises they got. I can guarantee that they are excluded from the environmental and other laws in the "US" that's going to make competition from other smaller actors impossible.

Hans Persson said...

And probably tax-free, that's why .they. already have invested in this project.

That happened here so why would it be any different there.