Friday, April 7, 2023

WNU And Quebec's Power Black-Out

City workers clears fallen branches Thursday, April 6, 2023 after yesterday’s ice storm which left over a million customers without power in Montreal.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz  

WNU Editor: I live in the Canadian province of Quebec, and we experienced an ice-storm and massive power black-out on Wednesday .... Quebec ice storm: Hydro reconnections, debris cleanup will take all weekend (Montreal Gazette). My area was particularly hard hit .... Hundreds of thousands still without power in Quebec following ice storm (CTV News). 

 I had confidence that the power would be restored quickly. But I was wrong. It was restored only a few minutes ago. 

At my home in Montreal I have a fireplace, candles, a lot of prepper stuff, food, essentials, etc.. The error that I made is that my gas/propane and solar generators are at my chalet, not at my home in Montreal. 

But I was not in a rush to leave my home in Montreal and grab my generator and bring it back to Montreal or to stay up north. 

Took the time to chill, relax, and catch up on some badly needed sleep. 

I was planning to drive to my chalet this evening, but the power came back on. 

Sighhh .... My two day break has come to an end. 

I have a lot of news to catch up on and a lot of emails to respond to. Give me a few hours, and I will be back to blogging.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you up and running.

Sorry to hear all those folks up there have to go thru that.

For yourself, considerate a lesson to be learned. And when things like this happen , on a personal level, I consider them a blessing in disguise. They show me the gaps in my planning. And its best that it happened now so I can fix it, instead of when there is no society to back me up.

God Bless

Anonymous said...

Fuck, that's a crazy strong Global Warming.

Remember when they pushed Global Warming 10 years ago, before they called it Climate Change? :)

Oh, and remember when they called it Global Cooling and told us to buy insurance and oil and gas to heat because global winter is coming?

Here, Spock (yes, they used Leonard Nimoy as tool back then.. because he oozed science, but was of course just an actor, playing the science officer on the original Enterprise series) "Ice age coming and inevitable!"


Why would they introduce a global carbon credit system all based on a lie and a model that no one has seen in full? That's not science.. that's the opposite.

It's about control ahead of the next revolution (AI and the drastic changes it will bring).

Everything organic on Earth - including many energy sources (oil, fats) and of course all animals, plants, and yes, humans are made mostly of carbon.

They will be able to dictate IF you can travel and how far

They will be able to dictate IF you can have a kid or family.

They will be able to dictate WHAT you can eat.

And all depending on how you vote of course, or if you do what they want, including taking vaccines...

So you see, it's not about actual danger to the climate.. but it will be connected to the social credit system. And it will be full on totalitarianism soon if you keep playing along and thinking you can sit this out.

Totalitarians and their supported always, by definition, are a minority. We could squash them tomorrow. If you dare. Legally. Peacefully. But they must be all indicted, and we must break this mass media hypnosis.

People just don't wake up and be like "wtf are they talking about?" :)

Ron said...

Two thumbs up to 7:40. shake down cruises are good. nobody hurt and a bit smarter.

I wonder, how is your peace of mind having a break from the internet?


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Some of us were worried about you...LOL!

Anonymous said...

I was clueless but happy to have my updates back

DinoB said...

I second what 8:52 and 10:09 said :)

Anonymous said...

knew it had to be something like that. unlike you to go silent without a clue as to why. glad you are back up

copley7 said...

I heard about this on several Canadian police sites I follow on Linked IN and some officers up there. It is getting ZERO coverage in the US.