Monday, July 27, 2009

Religious Civil War Spreads In Nigeria -- News Updates July 27, 2009

Dead Nigerians are brought to a police station in the northeastern city of Bauchi after a gun battle in the early morning. Photograph: Ardo Hazzad/Reuters

Nigerian 'Taliban' Offensive Leaves 150 Dead -- The Guardian

Islamic group opposed to western education, Boko Haram, launches attacks across four northern provinces

A self-styled "Taliban" intent on imposing sharia law on all Nigerians widened its offensive yesterday in violence that has left 150 people dead.

Boko Haram, an Islamic group opposed to western education, has launched attacks across four northern provinces over the last two days and declared its intention to fight to the death.

Read more ....

More News On Nigeria

At least 200 killed in Bauchi religious crisis in Nigeria
-- China View
Eyewitness: Nigeria attacks -- BBC
Nigerian militants attack police amid worsening sectarian tensions -- Christian Science Monitor
Violent clashes spread in North-east Nigeria -- NEXT
Nigerian Toll Hits 65 As Islamists Battle Police -- Yahoo News/AFP
Nigeria police: 55 dead in Islamist attacks -- Yahoo News/AP
Muslim rebels expand attacks in Nigeria -- Swiss Info
Islamist attacks spread in Nigeria -- The Times (Nigeria)
Wastern education is a 'sin' for Nigeria's self-styled Taliban -- Africasia
'Taliban' unrest in Nigeria: a timeline -- Africasia

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