Monday, July 27, 2009

Unrest In Iran -- News Updates July 27, 2009

Parisians held images on Saturday of Neda Agha-Soltan, whose death in Iran demonstrations turned her into a symbol of protest. Jacques Brinon/Associated Press

Iran's Hard-Liners Face Off Over Cabinet -- Christian Science Monitor

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fired his intelligence minister Sunday after being forced to remove his first vice president, a close adviser.

Istanbul - A fresh outburst of protests was repressed in Iran Saturday as the struggle deepened among hardliners over appointments in the new government and the opposition movement claimed another "martyr."

After Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei delivered an angry reminder at last Friday's prayers, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad backed down after a week of intransigence and accepted the ayatollah's written demand that he dismiss First Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei. The president's close adviser, whose son is married to Mr. Ahmadinejad's daughter, is still slated for a leading Cabinet role that would give him oversight of sensitive files such as energy and national security, after he was appointed chief adviser to the president.

Read more ....

More News On Iran

Revolutionary Guard tightens hold in Iran crisis -- Yahoo News/AP
Iran president clashes with conservatives; 2 protesters said to die in custody -- L.A. Times
Iran's Ahmadinejad dismisses two ministers: report -- Reuters
Iran’s Opposition Calls Crackdown ‘Immoral’ -- New York Times
Mosque challenge to honour victims puts fresh pressure on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- Times Online
Iranian Opposition Leaders Call on Clerics, Launch New Charges -- Voice of America
Iran: Opposition wants to hold memorial -- The Guardian
Iran Warning: Israel's Nuclear Sites Within Reach -- Voice of America
Allies Censure Ahmadinejad Over Delay in Deputy's Ouster -- Washington Post
Iran intelligence minister sacked -- BBC
Global Protests Call for End to Iran's Post-Election Crackdown -- Voice of America
Global Rallies Show Support for Iranians -- Washington Post
Rallies Around Globe Back Iran Protesters -- Washington Times
IRAN: Ahmadinejad cuts wages raised before election -- L.A. Times
Senate OKs funds to thwart Iran Web censors -- Washington Times
Clinton Says Nuclear Aim of Iran Is Fruitless -- New York Times
Your nuclear pursuit is futile, Hillary Clinton tells Iran -- Times Online
Israel’s Defense Minister Says ‘No Option’ Is Off Table on Iran -- New York Times
Bolivians resist Iran's search for uranium -- Washington Times
The dust of dissent can still choke this regime -- Times Online
Iran's Revolution Has a Vacancy at the Top -- Azadeh Moaveni, Washington Post opinion.
Wisely Doing Nothing -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post opinion

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