Tuesday, September 7, 2010

China Coninues To Develop An Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missile

Chinese 'Carrier-Killer' Missile The Dong Feng 21D. Photo from China-Mashup

Doubts Over China's 'Wonder Weapon' -- Asia Times

TAIPEI - In the past 12 months, the world's military journals have been awash with analyses of the power balance in the West Pacific possibly tilting in China's favor. Pundits and reporters proclaim in unison that Beijing is about to achieve its goal of making United States military interventions in future conflicts fought out in the Yellow, the East China or South China Seas a very difficult, if not impossible, mission.

Most think-tanks see Washington's democratic allies in the region as being threatened by China's boosted reconnaissance abilities, its submarine fleet and a growing arsenal of cruise and tactical missiles.

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More News On China's Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missile

Chinese Media Calls For Carrier Killing Missile, Other Weapons -- Defense Tech
China on the verge of unleashing "carrier-killer" missiles -- Economic Times
China needs 'carrier-killer' missile: press -- AFP
China Needs "Carrier Killer" Missile—Says State-run Paper -- NDTV
China needs powerful "carrier killer" -- Global Times
Chinese Missile could shift Pacific power balance -- Christian Science Monitor
Red Tide Rising -- Family Security Matters

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