Monday, March 7, 2011

The Secret Plan To Arm Libya's Rebels By The U.S. Is Revealed

America's Secret Plan To Arm Libya's Rebels -- The Independent

Obama asks Saudis to airlift weapons into Benghazi.

Desperate to avoid US military involvement in Libya in the event of a prolonged struggle between the Gaddafi regime and its opponents, the Americans have asked Saudi Arabia if it can supply weapons to the rebels in Benghazi. The Saudi Kingdom, already facing a "day of rage" from its 10 per cent Shia Muslim community on Friday, with a ban on all demonstrations, has so far failed to respond to Washington's highly classified request, although King Abdullah personally loathes the Libyan leader, who tried to assassinate him just over a year ago.

Read more ....

My Comment: There is a lot of intelligence information and analysis in this report .... and is a must read. What was my first impression when reading this article .... someone in the administration or intelligence community is providing the Independent with a lot of information that should not be made public .... but public it is.

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