Monday, March 7, 2011

A Peek Inside The World Of One Of Gaddafi's Children

Saadi Gaddafi ... his former girlfriend had revealed how he enjoys the high life. Photo: Fiona-Lee Quimby

A Suitcase Stuffed With Banknotes, Luxury Hotels And The Pussycat Dolls: Inside The World Of Gaddafi's Son Saadi -- Sydney Morning Herald

A former nightclub dancer says she had a six-year relationship with one of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's sons, who kept a "suitcase stuffed with thousands of banknotes" and splurged £170 million ($272 million) a year on a luxury lifestyle.

Bulgarian Dafinka Mircheva said she met Saadi Gaddafi, the third son of the Libyan leader, when she was 21 at a Parisian nightclub in 2004, the Sunday Mail reported.

Gaddafi, now 37, took an instant liking to the young dancer as she performed on stage and asked her to "go with him to the Caribbean the next day on his jet".

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My Comment: He clearly lacks parental/fatherly supervision .... but unlike Saddam Hussein's children, he does not have a murderous disposition .... at least from what we know so far.

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