Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Iranian Lawmaker Demands That Iran Send Military Forces To Bahrain

Head of the Islamic Revolution Faction of the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) Ruhollah Hosseinian

Iran MP Offers Military Use In Bahrain -- Press TV

Amid a Saudi-backed brutal clampdown on Bahraini anti-government protesters, an Iranian lawmaker has proposed that the Islamic Republic should dispatch its military forces to the Persian Gulf state.

“I believe that the Iranian government should not be reluctant to prepare the country's military forces at a time that Saudi Arabia has dispatched its troops to Bahrain,” Khabar Online quoted Head of the Islamic Revolution Faction of the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) Ruhollah Hosseinian as saying on Sunday.

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Iran's MP asks for military dispatch to Bahrain: TV website -- People's Daily Online

My Comment: Such an intervention will pit Iranian forces against Saudi troops .... but more importantly .... they will also face U.S. forces and the main naval base for the U.S. Fifth Fleet.

If you want a scenario for all out war in the Persian Gulf .... this is the way to go. But my expectation is that the Iranians will just talk the talk .... but they will definitely NOT walk the walk.

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