Sunday, August 7, 2011

Al Qaeda Is Not Dead

Mission Not Accomplished -- Foreign Policy

Reports of al Qaeda's demise have been greatly exaggerated.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's statement last month that al Qaeda's defeat is "within reach" should be cause for celebration. But given the decentralization of the jihadi movement over the past decade, that victory may be meaningless. Although U.S. counterterrorism efforts have indeed substantially weakened the organization, Panetta's comments miss the bigger point about the terrorist threat facing the United States. Over the past decade, that threat has morphed from one led by a hierarchical al Qaeda organization into something much more diffuse, with a greater presence online, that no longer depends on orders from senior leaders in Pakistan.

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My Comment:
I agree. Al Qaeda/radical Islam is an idea and philosophy, and not a group of individuals. To kill an idea will take much longer than just killing a few of its top leaders.

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