Sunday, August 7, 2011

The High Cost Of Missile Defense

Shoot the Moon: Missile Defense Costs As Much As Apollo Program -- Danger Room

America’s budget woes may have the Obama administration eyeing $400 billion in cuts to the defense budget. But, for now at least, there’s one program that appears relatively safe: the star-crossed missile defense effort.

Congress plans on increasing missile defense spending 1.2 per cent to $8.6 billion for fiscal year 2012. Bloomberg Government tallied the increase up along with 27 years worth of missile defense spending and found the price tag to be roughly $150 billion. That’s roughly the same amount spent on the Apollo space program. The man-on-the-moon level spending comes despite technical challenges and other setbacks faced by missile defense programs over the years.

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More News On The High Cost Of Missile Defense

U.S. Antimissile Spending to Match Cost of Apollo Space Program -- Global Security Newswire
U.S. Antimissile Spending to Match Cost of Apollo Space Program -- National Journal
$35B Missile Defense Misses Bullet With Bullet -- Bloomberg
Missile Defense Has Cost the US More than the Entire Apollo Program -- Gizmodo

My Comment: I have a suspicion that high budget deficits and Pentagon budget cutting is going to put the knife to much of this project.

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