Thursday, February 9, 2012

China Now Has A Global News TV Station

China Launches Global News TV Station -- The Telegraph

China has launched a multi-million pound effort to improve its image around the world with the launch of a new global news TV station that it hopes will one day compete with global names such as the BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera.

The new station 'CCTV America', has hired more than 60 international staff in a bid to produce credible programmes that will aim to give a voice to Beijing's view of the world, a consultant involved the project told The Daily Telegraph.

"Do the Chinese want to be a player in game of international TV news, then 'yes', absolutely they do," said Jim Laurie, who spent 22 years working for the ABC television network's foreign news department, "The aim is to build a competitive news channel on the global stage."

Read more ....

My Comment: Another major news network on the world scene .... what took China so long? What's my take .... I do post stories from Xinhuanet on international affairs .... but not on Chinese affairs. China's government is still Communist, and their media does 'toe' the party line. But on affairs that do not concern the Chinese government, I find their news reporting adequate, and I expect CCTV to be the same.

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