Thursday, February 16, 2012

How Saudi Arabia Views Iran's Nuclear Program

How Iran Nuke Standoff Looks to Saudis -- Mustafa Alani, Bloomberg

The most likely victims of a nuclear armed Iran are not the U.S. or Israel, but the Gulf states -- countries that are engaged in intense competition with the regime in Tehran, but that lack the power to deter any threat or aggression with a nuclear-strike capability of their own.

That, at least, is how it looks from Riyadh and other Gulf capitals. Saudi Arabia has kept a low public profile amid the heated international debate regarding the nature and ultimate objectives of the Iranian nuclear program, and the country isn’t yet ready to back a military strike. But that reticence hides deep and genuine concern, demonstrated by the speed with which Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates pledged to fill any shortfall in global oil supplies that planned European Union sanctions on Iran’s energy exports may cause.

Read more ....

My Comment: A sobering .... and in my opinion .... an accurate assessment of Saudi Arabian views towards Iran, and the international community's attempts to shut down Iran's nuclear program.

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