Monday, February 20, 2012

Stereotype Maps

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
The World According to Americans, from Yanko Tsvetkov’s Mapping Stereotypes project.

Stereotype Maps: Is That What They Think Of Us? -- The Guardian

Tim Dowling is both intrigued and mildly entertained by graphic artist Yanko Tsvetkov's satirical maps of national stereotypes. Plus, see a gallery of maps from Tsvetkov's collection

There is nothing quite as obsolete as an out-of-date map: untrustworthy, suspect, politically incorrect. An atlas that still has Czechoslovakia on it may be historically interesting, but it illustrates a world that no longer exists. Change is constant: new countries spring into being, population centres shift, capitals are shunted from one place to another. With every adjustment, another map is rendered useless.

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My Comment: This is hysterical. The gallery of maps from Tsvetkov's collection can be better seen here. His website .... and more maps .... is here.

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