Monday, February 20, 2012

A Sign Of Hope For The Palestinians

Image of Palestinian Internet cafe via Flickr user The Advocacy Project

The Cool New Palestinians: Geeks -- Jackie Spinner, Christian Science Monitor

The West Bank and Gaza Strip is home to hundreds of tech companies, creating everything from websites to smart phone apps.

In the hip Ramallah coffee shop ZAMN, Yousef Ghandour laments the slow Wi-Fi as he launches the beta version of one of his many start-ups, a social networking site that allows users to travel through time to find connections.

Mr. Ghandour, who never wastes a moment, shares the e-books he is currently reading on his iPhone (among them, "Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap ... and Others Don't"), shows off his blog, and lingers for a moment on his latest vision for a social networking site for Muslims called AnaBasili, or "I'm praying."

Read more ....

My Comment: This article is a breath of fresh air .... unfortunately .... we also know that these Palestinians entrepreneurs represent only a small percentage of the entire population .... but it is a start.

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