Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Former UN Nuclear Official: Iran 6-8 Months Away From A Nuclear Weapon

A nuclear power plant in Iran. Photo: Tasnim News Agency via Wikimedia Commons.

Arutz Sheva: Iran is 'six months away from an atomic bomb'

Former IAEA official says Israel, Gulf states, 'need to be worried' about Iran's emerging nuclear abilities.

Olli Heinonen, who headed the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) security team and served as the organizations' deputy director general, on Wednesday morning told Army Radio that Israelis on the whole are not aware of the severity of the Iranian threat.

"Israelis need to be worried, and the Gulf states also have reason for concern," Heinonen said. "How will you be able to ensure your security if Iran achieves nuclear abilities?"

Read more ....

Update #1: Iran 'Weaponizing Uranium Enrichment Without Making a Weapon,' Former Top UN Watchdog Official Says (Haaretz)
Update #2: Ex-IAEA Official: Iran 6-8 Months Away From Nuclear Weapon (Newsmax)
Update #3: Iran 'is six months away from having NUCLEAR WEAPONS' and 'Israelis need to be worried', warns former deputy director general of International Atomic Energy Agency (Daily Mail)

WNU Editor: Iran has always been 6 months to a year away from being able to make a nuclear bomb.


Anonymous said...

Obama gave Iran billions in dollars just so Iran could go public with a larger arsenal of nukes then it would have without his largess.
I've look past in history to find a more destructive American President to America's allies and its own interests. Jefferson Davis is his competitor for number 1 spot.

Bob Huntley said...


Carl said...

We've been hearing this nonsense for at least 15 years. if I were Iran, I would want nuclear weapons for the simple reason that my country is between two nuclear powers, Israel and Pakistan, and is constantly threatened by a third, the US!

fred said...

Anon--do some reading. Obama gave them their money! that was to make the nuke deal. that deal then was broken by Trump. Now, Iran might have broken the arrangement, ie the deal, but now they are entitled to, since Trump renounced it and our allies have not. Iran says Trump needs to talk to him about a new deal. Thus far, Iran says No thanks

Mike Feldhake said...

The only reason Iran got its money is because the court was going to rule in their favor. Conservatives have taken advantage of that for sure but I would have tried to counter sue and hold up payment as long as we could. Still, the cash gave Iran some life, but not much.

Anonymous said...

When Iran returned our detained Sailors last year did they "give us" a bunch of sailors? No, they simply returned what was already ours. That money you've referenced was already Iran's. Obama didn't reach into your pocket and give the Ayatollah your paycheck.

Regardless, by greasing the wheels to get it back to them Obama DID buy us something, which Trump tossed in the garbage. So we ended up with the worst of both worlds! We gave Iran our leverage (the cash, sanction relief) and then forced our way back into nuclear limbo with them instead of maintaining international monitoring.

But I'm sure Israeli owned media has told you the nuclear deal was incredibly bad. Anything other than destroying Iran is incredibly bad! Don't think any more no-no thoughts!

And yeah, before you shit your boomer britches, Clinton should be in jail, blah blah blah. Doesn't change how stupidly Trump acts to please his Israeli "advisors".

Anonymous said...

Huh? My brain hurt after that comment ��. Obama baught us nothing, but giving them more money and time. Even under the agreement we still could not see all the sites. By giving them money we just funded thier terrorist groups. Plus acting like muslims don't vstone wemon against gays and don't respect any other religions why chanting death to America ��. How many kids they marry again? Please just stop bwaha

Anonymous said...

What this report says is that there is now a countdown clock ticking to war. This is typical when governments want to send a clear message to their enemies and prepare their populations for war.