Wednesday, June 5, 2019

This U.S. Congressman Admits That As An Artillery Officer His Unit May Have Killed Hundreds Of Civilians In Iraq

Daily Mail: Former artillery officer and current Rep. Duncan Hunter makes shocking admission that his Iraq unit 'killed probably hundreds of civilians' including 'women and children' in defense of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher

* US Rep. for California Duncan Hunter said in a podcast interview that while serving as a Marine in Iraq in 2004 his unit 'killed probably hundreds of civilians'
* He made the comments in defense of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, who faces trial for alleged war crimes beginning on June 10 at Naval Base San Diego
* Gallagher is accused of premeditated murder of an ISIS fighter in his care, who is said to have looked to be 15 years old, and then taking a photo with the body
* Prosecutors said Gallagher texted a photograph of himself next to the dead fighter and wrote he 'got him with my hunting knife'
* Hunter previously acknowledged taking a photo with a dead combatant during his time serving in Iraq as a Marine in 2004, during a town hall on May 25
* Hunter has advocated for a pardon for Gallagher, who was released from pre-trial confinement on Thursday as a judge rebuked prosecutors' conduct
* Gallagher is also accused of shooting two Iraq civilians in Iraq and opening fire on crowds. He has pleaded not guilty to all the charges
* Gallagher's trial is currently set to begin on June 10 at Naval Base San Diego

US Rep. Duncan Hunter of California said that his military unit 'killed probably hundreds of civilians' while deployed to Fallujah, Iraq in 2004, while coming to the defense of a Navy SEAL accused of war crimes.

Hunter, who along with his wife has been indicted on corruption charges related to alleged campaign finance violations, made the comments during a podcast interview with Barstool Sports that was released on Monday.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My father was a Soviet artillery officer during the Second World War. He experienced a lot of close calls, but his most terrifying experience was having his unit targeted by another Soviet artillery unit who thought they were the Germans. He was wounded and the only survivor. As he told me .... we know where the shells and rockets will land, but we do not know with 100% certainty on who is there when that happens.

More News On US Rep. for California Duncan Hunter Admitting That His Unit May Have Killed Hundreds Of Civilians In Iraq

Rep. Duncan Hunter says his unit ‘killed probably hundreds of civilians’ in Iraq -- The Washington Post
This congressman has admitted to troubling wartime acts in defense of an accused Navy SEAL -- Business Insider
Rep. Duncan Hunter: Iraq unit 'killed probably hundreds of civilians' -- CNN
Rep. Duncan Hunter says his unit 'killed probably hundreds of civilians' in Iraq -- USA Today
Rep. Duncan Hunter says his unit probably killed 'hundreds' of civilians in Iraq, including women and children -- Task & Purpose
Congressman Duncan Hunter Says He Probably Killed "Hundred of Civilians" in Iraq -- GQ


Bob Huntley said...

"What do you think you do in war?"

Reasonable question execept that Iraq II wasn't a war, it was a slaughter.

Anonymous said...

Theres a big difference between mistakenly bombarding a civilian area with artillery and executing prisoners and cutting off their limbs to keep as trophies.

Anonymous said...

All of these supposed particular crimes occurred in the context of the crime of aggressive warfare launched by the GW Bush Administration. Bush, Cheney. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton and the rest of that gang ought to be prosecuted first, before any lower ranking service members are prosecuted. That would be in keeping with the principle established at Nuremberg after World War II.

Bob Huntley said...

Agree but then that means the grunts will never be prosecuted. Perhaps if enough of them get punished there would be a ground swelling of protest and the top guys would be charged, although, likely if the protest became large enough and actually threatened someone really important, the National Guard would be called out and then you know what happens.

Maybe if a high profile grunt with lots of pull got charged and then enjoined one of the top guys as a co-defendant something might happen.

Anonymous said...

If you are in a war zone and you don’t leave you are a target if you are in a war zone and you don’t leave you are a target .the point is when the shit hit the fan leave if not you are a target .

Anonymous said...

I was in Baghdad at the beginning of the Gulf War. Right in the middle of the maelstrom! I saw cruise missle strikes, B52 carpet bombings and more. Unfortunately, civilians were hit. But other than military casualties, all kinetics were dropped on utilities, airfields, command and control. The US military is taught and expected to live by moral and ethical standards. Individuals, often the most amoral among us break those rules, but this does not equate with our national military Geneva responsibilities and high expectations for the individual soldier under command.
No excuse to kill innocents and restrained combatants! That is Russia and Syria’s MO!

Bob Huntley said...

Bombing the hell out of countries and their people who do nothing to them belies those good thoughts as does the lack of punishment for violations on the part of grunts, commanders and political folk all up the line to and including Presidents. Your comment is therefore BS.