Wednesday, April 1, 2020

U.S. Intelligence: China Deliberately Lying About Covid-19 Coronavirus Figures

Daily Mail: China is COVERING UP full extent of coronavirus including the number of deaths and its numbers are 'FAKE' spies tell White House in classified briefing

* An intelligence report sent to the White House last week concluded coronavirus numbers coming out of China are fake, according to a Wednesday report
* Three U.S. officials claim the intelligence findings conclude China's reporting on coronavirus statistics are intentionally incomplete
* The report comes as skepticism already swirled that China was under-cutting death tolls and confirmed cases in not reporting asymptomatic cases
* 'The reality is that we could have been better off if China had been more forthcoming,' Mike Pence asserted in a CNN interview Wednesday
* If China's reporting were true, the nation would have less cases and deaths than the U.S., Italy and Spain
* Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China in the Hubei province late last year

China's reporting on coronavirus is intentionally incomplete, three U.S. officials revealed in a Wednesday report, adding its government is underreporting statistics on both the death toll and number of cases.

The intelligence community handed over a classified report to the White House last week, one of the officials told Bloomberg News, and the report concluded that China's numbers are fake.

The coronavirus outbreak originated from Wuhan in the Hubei province of China at the end of 2019 – but China has only publicly reported 82,361 cases and 3,293 deaths as of Wednesday.

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More News On U.S. Intelligence Reports That China Deliberately Lied About Its Covid-19 Coronavirus Figures

Coronavirus: China concealed extent of outbreak, US intelligence says -- SCMP/Bloomberg
China hid extent of coronavirus outbreak, US intelligence reportedly says -- CNBC
China intentionally under-reported total coronavirus cases and deaths, U.S. intelligence says -- Forbes
Report: U.S. Intelligence Concludes China Is Lying About Coronavirus -- Washington Free Beacon
Leaked US Intel Report Accuses China Of Deliberately Lying About Coronavirus Figures -- Zero Hedge

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