Wednesday, April 1, 2020

President Trump Warns Iran That It Will Be Paying A Heavy Price If They Attack U.S. Soldiers In Iraq

Daily Mail/AFP/Reuters: Donald Trump accuses Iran 'or its proxies' of planning 'sneak attack' on U.S. forces or assets in Iraq after Soleimani's successor lands in Baghdad despite coronavirus curfew

* Trump tweet claim 'upon information and belief' that Iran is planning to strike at the U.S. in Iraq
* Included no evidence but came as the successor to killed Quds force leader Qassem Soleimani arrived in Baghdad
* Esmail Ghaani arrived in Baghdad late Monday in his first public visit to Iraq despite country having coronavirus curfew
* He is trying to force warring political parties to form a governing coalition

Donald Trump warned Iran on Wednesday of a 'heavy price' if it or its allies in Iraq attack US troops stationed there.

'If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed!' Trump tweeted.

The US president also wrote: 'Upon information and belief, Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq.'

It was not clear whether Trump meant Washington actually has intelligence of such a plan.

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More News On President Trump Warning Iran That It Will Be Paying A Heavy Price If They Attack U.S. Soldiers In Iraq

Trump says Iran planning 'sneak attack' on US troops, assets in Iraq -- FOX News
Trump threatens Iran – again – if it attacks U.S. interests in Iraq -- USA Today
Trump warns Iran of 'heavy price' in case of attack on US troops -- Al Jazeera


fazman said...

You've cried Wolf on Iran to many times, they have zero reason to beleive your bluster.

RussInSoCal said...

Hey fazman - what bluster is that? Ask Soleimani about "bluster" - or Kataib Hezbollah. Or ask about the slow Iranian economic strangulation bluster. The decision not to wipe out the entire energy infrastructure of Iran isn't crying wolf, its a geopolitical calculation. As would the decision to go ahead with the mission.

But go ahead and explain the "bluster".

Anonymous said...

Russ, shore leave is canceled! KP duty the rest of the week! I want that toilet seat so clean I could eat off it!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:56,

I heard tell you took the corona seat challenge, licked the seat, caught corona, and then blamed Trump.

California 'influencer' says he is in hospital with coronavirus just days after posting a video of himself licking a toilet bowl for a revolting TikTok challenge

No KP duty for you. Sergeant didn't trust you. So the army booted you with a section 8.

Anonymous said...

Your count is short Russ,

Trump got Soleimani & Kataib Hezbollah plus others. He did not open the gates of the deluge, but 50-some IRGC were arrested, executed or shoved aside. The deaths lasted well after Soleymani assumed room temperature.

Of course a web search brings up articles by Time, Vox, The Atlantic and every other Leftwing rag written by wingnuts, who say killing Soleimani was a mistake. They say it will reinvigorate Iran just like the death of Yamamoto reinvigorated Imperial Japan.

These nutters only mention Syria and Iraq to make their case. It is as if Yemen Lebanon, Hamas, South America, and West Africa do not exist. Come to think of it these writers are not worth one cent of what they are paid.

RussInSoCal said...

Good points, anon 8:23 and lol anon 8:04

Anonymous said...

more bluster, again

Anonymous said...

756 is a pro.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How's that regime change going? Did it happen yet? What about Venezuela? Any day now, wait for it.......

Anonymous said...

Something is happening. Cuba sent its doctors home. They were not getting paid by Venezuela. Revolution put on hold. FARC on its own again.

A little peon like you wants instant gratification, but these thing could take a few years to a decade to play out.

fazman said...

Ummm if you attack us you will pay a heavy price, if you destroy infrastructure you will pay a heavy price...
Don't kid yourself.. Drone down... Nothing
Saudi hit... Nothing
Rocket attack on U. S base nothing....

Andrew Jackson said...

I'll just say this, SM-6.

fazman said...

Solemani etc were secret assassinations, tell me when has trump ever made good on his fire and fury threats?
He threatens, Iran acts... He backs down and encourages Iranian adventirisim

RussInSoCal said...

Fazman - the March 13 strike on Kataib Hezbollah was definitely fire and fury. You just didn't hear about it. Its not necessary to go into all out war every time Iranian proxies lob a rocket. The retaliation is proportional.

Also, note the decrease in the harassment of the Israelis of late.