Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hypersonic Missiles Armed With Nuclear Weapons Is The Next Arms Race

Photograph Source: David James Paquin (attributed) – Public Domain

Karl Grossman, Counterpunch: The Coming Nuclear Menace: Hypersonic Missiles

The United States is seeking to acquire “volumes of hundreds or even thousands” of nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles that are “stealthy” and can fly undetected at 3,600 miles per hour, five times faster than the speed of sound.

Why so many? A Pentagon official is quoted in the current issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology as saying “we have to be careful we’re not building boutique weapons. If we build boutique weapons, we won’t—we’ll be very reluctant to—use them.”

The article in the aerospace industry trade journal is headlined: “Hypersonic Mass Production.” A subhead reads: “Pentagon Forms Hypersonic Industry ‘War Room.’”

On March 19, 2020, the U.S. conducted its first hypersonic missile test from its Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii.

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WNU Editor: The genie is out of the bottle on this one. And no one is interested in limiting the production of these missiles because of their conventional capabilities.