Monday, December 13, 2021

Biden Admin Rejects Israel's Call For A Joint Plan To Attack Iran's Nuclear Facilities

Zero Hedge: Biden Admin Rejects Israel's Urging For Joint Plan To Attack Iran's Nuclear Facilities 

On Monday, Sky News Arabia is reporting that the Biden White House has rebuffed Israeli requests to prepare concrete attack plans: "US rejects scenario for serious US military plan to strike Iran's military facilities," according to the report. 

The outlet's sources indicated further that the "Israeli delegation that recently visited Washington accused the United States of making concessions to Iran during the Vienna talks without getting anything in return."

 And crucially, Sky News Arabia adds this to its reporting: "The Biden administration warned of the danger of Israel taking any unilateral military action against Iran."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: For Israel to be successful in a strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, they will be needing this .... In war plan prep against Iran, Israel seeking US air refueling assistance (Breaking Defense). 

Update: Former Israeli PM Netanyahu is advising the Israeli government to not trust the Biden Administration .... Netanyahu: ‘A grave mistake’ if Israel updated US before striking Iranian sites (Times of Israel).


Anonymous said...

Israel is to the USA what Poland was to Britain in WW2. The Iranians keep reminding us that this is true.

First they kill the Little Satan and then they kill the Big Satan.

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of Biden but I agree with his position on this one. Let Israel do their thing alone.

Anonymous said...

Biden is the coward, who could not pull the trigger on Osama bin Laden. Biden is a coward, who needs a force correlation of 10 to 1 or 100 to 1 before he would feel brave enough to so much as tell "Boo".

Biden, Jan. 27, 2012: The president, he went around the table with all the senior people, including the chiefs of staff, and he said, “I have to make a decision. What is your opinion?”

"Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go." - Joe

Adam said...

Our focus must be on China who views us as our enemy and wishes to overtake us. This would likely be a quaqmire we don't need and cannot afford.

Anonymous said...

Once again for the people in the back:

Israel is scared of Hezbollah, will talk a good game, and do NOTHING.

The occasional missile strike in Syria is for the show and good copy for the papers.

Anonymous said...

Iran is an ally of China. Taking on China is like investing a castle. You take the out works first and work your way in.

Before we took Berlin and the Ruhr in WW2, we took out Fascist Italy and occupied France.

Before Japan capitulated in WW2, the US had to take islands working outside in.

All Chinese do not have to be defeated before taking on China just like all islands did not have to be taken on the drive to Japan.

Anonymous said...

"Let Israel do its own dirty work."

Really? How'd that work out in N Kor during the DECADES the US dicked around allowing NK to develop nukes? If Iran goes on to develop ICBMs, let alone hypersonics (with China's help), will it still be just Israel's problem? I don't know why but the Dems have a real hard on going with Iran. Iran has a hard on too--about pay back for whatever preceived wrongs the Western nations have done to them, especially the US. Nobody wants war (except the globalists), but every now and then you have to take an honest look at the game board and act accordingly. How about let Israel do most of the dirty work and we supply some logistical support?

9:53: Hell yeah Israel is afraid of Hezbolla. Why the hell wouldn't they be? Those "occasional missile strikes" in Syria are primarily targeted at Iranian military supplies headed for Hezbollah. Makes sense to me. As for their "doing nothing," I think 1948, 1967, 1974, Entebbe, and the 1981 destruction of the Iraqi nuke reactor still speak for themselves. As opposed to, say, the US in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Somolia, Afghanistan, and Libya. Add to that kissing Iran's ass whenever we get the chance. Not a super duper record.

Anonymous said...

O,.B.L.: Joe was fearful of killing innocent civilians. Bush wimped out and did nothing. Obama did it!
Trump has now turned on Bibi.
gop: failed in this

Anonymous said...

Get it right. Clinton wimped out on killing OBL. Bush went looking for him, but Pakistan was hiding him, which makes it difficult to find him.

Biden was not fearful of killing 2 adults and 8 children after the suicide bombing of 13 marines. Nah, he waded right in there and murdered those eight children.

Well Trump took it hard, but I bet Trump and Bib shake hands again. The way Trump took it shows what a good guy he is.

Anonymous said...

Bush could not find OBL because he was hiding in Pakistan but Obama found him when he was hiding in Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

It might come as a shocker to you, but operations take time. They have a duration measured in time. Real life is not like Star Trek Next Generation were Capt. Jean Luc Picard day "Make it so" and the next second they traveled clear across the galaxy

Anonymous said...

n fact, at a press conference Bush43 famously came out and admitted that he didn't care about Bin Laden and wasnt interested in going after him. Such a comment sparked disbelief in some - especially soldiers in Iraq who had joined the military after 9/11 to fight in retaliation of bin Laden's brutal attack on innocent U.S. civilians. It also prompted serious questions whether Bush43's loyalty was to the American people or the corporate oil industry. Then, on top of that, reports came out about how the Bush family had deep business ties to the Bin Laden family - ties that began when Bush43 and Osama's Bin Laden's brother Salem Bin Laden founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas. As research uncovered that a bank controlled by the Bin Laden family had bailed out one of Bush 43's failed businesses during the 1980s Bush's reasons for not going after Bin Laden came under even more scrutiny. And then eyebrows were further raised when reports came out of the ties between the Bush Family and the Bin Laden family via The Carlyle Group, a private global equity group whose senior advisor was Bush41.
bin laden photo: Obama bin laden CIAOWNSALQAEDA-1.jpg
The Bush family's connections to the Bin Laden family was interesting and certainly grist for conspiracy theorists, but to understand the real motive behind the Bush/Cheney gang ordering Dalton Fury's troops to stand down in Tora Bora you must go back to 1997 when a rightwing think tank called The Project for the New American Century produced a document outlining how America needed to be transformed. Members of this think tank included Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. Several of these future members of the Bush Administration took their plans for a war in Iraq to Bill Clinton with the hopes of convincing Clinton to invade Iraq. After presenting Clinton with a fully detailed plan, Clinton refused and the wheels were set in motion for the Cheney-led cabal to groom a candidate for the White House who would promote The Project for the New American Century's agenda.

Anonymous said...

Found a picture of 2:55

Anonymous said...

So 2:55 did a shitty copy and paste job from a blogspot blog which is defunct. Owners of the blog are unknown.

Do you suppose that 2:55,a known anon, could get an actual quote.

Does 2:55 know what a side show is? Operation Torch was a side show. Operation Overlord was the main event. You do not care as much about a side show as you do about the main event.

Anonymous said...

For the 0 to 1 readers who are interest in the where the copy and paste artiste got his material.

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

The way I heard Tora bora go down was that they wanted a symbolic capture of Bin Laden by Northern Alliance. They waited until the North Alliance troops could get into position and by the time they did, Bin Laden was gone.

This is consistent with the 1st Gulf War. The first ones in to liberate Kuwait City were Kuwaitis or Arabs, The US had more troops and did the heavy lifting but for optics, the Arabs went in first.

I feel bad for 2:55. Maybe it wants to buy a vowel?