Thursday, December 9, 2021

Israeli And US Military Chiefs Meet At The Pentagon To Discuss Military Drills To Prep For Worst-Case Iran Scenario

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin welcomes Israeli Defense Minister Gantz at the Pentagon. © Reuters/KEN CEDENO  

Reuters: Exclusive-As diplomacy stutters, U.S., Israel to discuss military drills for Iran scenario -U.S. official 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. and Israeli defense chiefs are expected on Thursday to discuss possible military exercises that would prepare for a worst-case scenario to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities should diplomacy fail and if their nations' leaders request it, a senior U.S. official told Reuters. 

The scheduled U.S. talks with visiting Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz follow an Oct. 25 briefing by Pentagon leaders to White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on the full set of military options available to ensure that Iran would not be able to produce a nuclear weapon, the official said on Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity.  

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Israeli And US Military Chiefs Meet At The Pentagon To Discuss Military Drills To Prep For Worst-Case Iran Scenario  

At Pentagon, Israel talks joint military readiness to face Iran -- Reuters  

Israel, US to discuss military drills to prep for worst-case Iran scenario, US says -- Times of Israel  

US, Israel defense chiefs discuss Iran as nuclear talks falter -- The Hill  

US and Israel reportedly discussing military drills for Iran worst-case scenario -- Middle East Eye  

US & Israel mull drills to strike Iran’s nuclear sites – reports -- RT  

US, Israel to discuss drills for Iran worst-case scenario: Report -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

red alert red alert the war is on war war war 2 the fall of man .....political fools ...............look what u killed look deep inside look do u feel it ..........look out real.....and is love love love ....... it feels good. truth is power water static soul

Anonymous said...

Current "diplomatic" efforts haven't "stuttered," as the headline says--they've been dead in the water for years, as any shit-for-brains would know. Iran never has, and never will, unilaterally abandon its nuclear program, as any shit-for-brains would know. But globalists love to prevaracate just long enough to allow these outlaw nations time to develop effective defensive measures before they finally pull the diplomatic plug, if even then. The whole Iran shit show should have been resolved by the Carter administration after the seizure of American citizens, but we've accidentally on purpose dicked around long enough for Iran to become a regional power and major sponser of terrorism. N Kor comes to mind as well. Along with Lebanon, China, and so on.