Thursday, January 27, 2022

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Calls Massive 45 Mile Convoy Of Protesting Truck Drivers And The Tens Of Thousands Who Cheer Them Along The Highway A 'Small Fringe Minority'


Daily Mail: American truckers join Canada's 'Freedom Convoy' protesting vaccine mandate as rigs stretch for 45 MILES: Trudeau plays it down and calls protesters a 'small fringe minority' 

* A convoy of truckers in Canada protesting vaccine mandates for truck drivers crossing the US Canadian border is 45 miles long and descending on Ottawa 

* With 50,000 truckers driving from Vancouver, the 'Freedom Convoy 2022' is demanding that their government abolish vaccine passports 

* On January 15, proof of vaccination will be required for truckers crossing into the US - but as many as 32,000, or about 20 percent, are not vaccinated 

* Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the huge group a 'small fringe minority' 

* 'We know the way through this is to get everyone vaccinated. The overwhelming majority, close to 90 percent of Canadians, have done exactly that,' he said 

US truckers have reportedly joined their Canadian brethren in a 'Freedom Convoy' across Canada that has stretched to 45 miles long as the big rigs head to Ottawa to protest the country's vaccine mandates.

Truckers left from British Columbia on Sunday and will be met in the nation's capital on Saturday by other protesters driving from the east and the south of the country . 

'It's 70 kilometers long,' Benjamin Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy 2022, told the Toronto Sun, referring to the convoy after it passed Calgary heading west on Wednesday.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: As on cue the Canadian government and their main stream media allies, with the support of other political parties, are doing a full court-press on demonizing these protesters. 

But this massive convoy of protesting truckers is not focused solely on vaccine mandates. It is more than that. 

Inflation. High energy prices. The cost of living. Shortages in our stores. Covid restrictions that do not make sense. The collapse of our healthcare system. And politicians who are tone-deaf to the worry and concerns of many Canadians.

I live in Canada, and I hear these worries and concerns everyday. And now many Canadians have an event to express their opposition to the massive over-reach that Canada's governments have imposed on all of us.

I am only surprised that it has taken this long for Canadians to react.


LoneWolf Media said...

I live in Ottawa and it'll be a sight for sure. There's already some truckers who arrived.

Anonymous said...

Trucker arriving in Canada form the US have to quarantine for 14 days. This will surely fuck up the supply chain and they do not care. Trudeau does not care. For a world leader to be so flip about logistics is just unconscionable. If this was Africa, Latin America or South Asia, a coup would be in the offing.

This does not only fuck over Canada. It fucks over the US, but Slow Joe wouldn't know. Slow Joe could not express how fun it was to drive a hybrid SUV.

Those quarantined truckers are probably some of the same people that take auto parts or autos from Canada to the US. The auto industry of Canada and the US is connected. Cars, used or new, are already expensive enough and now Trudeau is going to double COVID damn them.

Nicolas Darkwater said...

Apparently, truckers' strikes are being stood up in Australia and Sweden.

Adam said...

Good for these people. I hope this gains a lot of momentum. I'm not anti vaccine and I don't want the Canadian people to suffer, our fine editor included. Interesting and informative commentary by the way, but this mandate deal is ridiculous to put it mildly. Apparently a majority of Canadians voted these politicians into office so like here in the US they have to live with this nonsense. Bring the trudeau admin to it's weak knees

Unknown said...

Are fearless leader suddenly is in quareteen .so they say or is he in hiding from a very bunch of angry truckers i give justin a year and he will step down

Unknown said...

He is very week on dealing with ukrain ,covid ,but hes very good on taxing the living shit out of us .
Not to mention nickle and diming us out of exzistant .if russia wins any part of ukrain .canada is next