Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Are The Trucker Protests in Canada A One Time Event?

DNYUZ/New York Times: After Trucker Protest, Canada Grapples With a Question: Was It a Blip, or Something Bigger? 

 OTTAWA — A cavalcade of big rigs rumbled into the Canadian capital, blocked major streets, drew thousands of supporters, enraged residents and captured the attention of a shocked nation for three weeks. Now they’re gone, leaving Canadians to grapple with some high stakes questions about their country’s political future. 

Was the occupation an aberration, or was it the beginning of a more fundamental shift in the country’s political landscape? Did their chaotic blockade alienate the public so much that the movement has no shot at a future, or did it form the base for a lasting political organization? 

“There is a worry, and it’s been expressed in all kinds of ways, that this protest movement will become something much more significant and much more sustained,” said Wesley Wark, a senior fellow at the Center for International Governance Innovation, a Canadian public policy group. “It was given terrific oxygen to spread its message.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I live in Canada, and on two weekends I witnessed the protests in Ottawa personally. 

It is more than just Covid mandates. A hell of a lot more. 

If I was to identify a central issue that is bringing Canadians together to demonstrate against the government, I would say it is the growing frustration among many on how difficult it is to earn a livable wage in this country, and the fear that this is going to get worse.


MBogdasarian@gmail.com said...

Time to call for a general strike

MBogdasarian@gmail.com said...

Time to call for a general strike.

Anonymous said...

Jay Farquharson complains how hard it is to make a living. Jay is probably a decent carpenter (cabinet maker). Jay probably votes liberal. If the politicians Jay voted for were as competent at their job as he is at his, things would be great. Somehow Jay missed the part, where the politicians he votes for are not competent. Jay is going to go bald scratching his head.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to make a living, for sure; Trump with GOP control of Congress made things better, right?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Trump did

Energy is the prime input for an economy. Trump made America energy independent. That lowered prices.

And wages increased:


Anonymous said...

and Long farter Biden is revving up inflation.

Inflation Skyrocketing

Thunder Thighs Joe

Camilla Parker Bowles can’t stop talking about Joe Biden’s ‘long fart’

Anonymous said...

inflation is a world-wide thing
Trump gave tax breaks to the very wealthy and did shit for others

Biden created more jobs than many (Trump included) presidents before him
Were most better off under Trump nope? How do we know? He failed to get reelected.

Anonymous said...

From the International Business Times:

Joe Biden Had a 'Bathroom Accident' During His Long Meeting with Pope Francis

See the descriptor International?

That was the FART heard around the world!

Anonymous said...

"Trump gave tax breaks to the very wealthy (blah) (blah) (blah)"

I am going to believe my econ teacher and my own skill due to calculus and psych courses.

In the 1st two months of calc studying derivatives, you study max's and min's and how to find them. In econ you find using calculus that there is an optimum tax rate that maximizes revenue for the government. More is ( increasing the tax rate) is not always better. You can increase the tax rate so much that it actually decreases the revenue coming into the governement.

"IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most" - Yahoo

Anonymous said...

Trump's Economic Legacy: Another Trickle Down Economic Disaster -
---The middle class needs a tax cut: Trump didn’t give it to them
--IRS data on the 2018 tax season released in May 2019 shows that savings for taxpayers were uneven. For example, the average refund was $90 higher, nationally, in 2018 than 2017. But the taxpayers who saw the largest refund increases had an adjusted gross income (AGI) of at least $200,000. Tax returns showing an AGI of less than $100,000 paid less income tax overall, but returns with an AGI just above $100,000 (many middle-class families) owed more tax, on average. Note that this AGI is per tax return, not per taxpayer: A married couple where each spouse has a salary of $65,000 could very well have an AGI of just above $100,000 if they file jointly.

On the whole, low-income families appear to have received the least savings, while high-income families saved the most. Middle-class families saw mixed results.

Anonymous said...

"inflation is a world-wide thing"

Inflation starts somewhere. Of the largest economies have poor policies, because their leaders are stupid, then yes the whole globe suffers. The whole globe suffers if a man or two (Hitler and Stalin) decide on poor policies and involved the world in a war.

It is called a WORLD WAR for a reason, but it started somewhere for some reason. The reason being piss poor policies. Socialist policies in this case.

Where Does the Phrase "When America Sneezes, the World Catches Cold" Originate?

When China sneezes, the world catches a cold

11:13, you should join Billy Madison in his educational journey, Maybe 2nd time is the charm for you?

Anonymous said...

And 11:13/11:34 shows his envy. Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins.

The Marriage penalty has been around and talked about sine at least the 1970s. If it is not erased or reared its ugly head again, it would be due to Democrat party demonizing "the other" to gain power.

Anonymous said...

Trudeau will have to build more prisons or risk these government persecuted and pauperized citizens becoming firebrands and galvanizing the opposition in future votes.

Anonymous said...

"On the whole, low-income families appear to have received the least savings, "

I have lived in military housing. So I know how much square footage soldiers get and how big the houses for said square footage look like.

I also drive past public housing on main street and can see how many square feet each unit has. Lo and behold the poor on welfare get roughly the same square footage as soldiers. Expect soldiers have work, miss their family for months on end (like truckers) and risk their lives.

The children of soldiers also go to public schools like the poor.

Yet all a bleeding heart socialist can do is bleat that the tax credit of the lowest quintile is not as much as the tax refund of the middle class or others.

Anonymous said...

Boston Housing Authority - Boston Housing Authority

"Encompassing 2041 square feet with 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, and 2 full bathrooms this condo truly feels like a single family."

The military gets shafted.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Phillips had never been to a protest before.

But in early February, the 47-year-old grain farmer from Tisdale, Sask., decided he'd had enough with COVID-19 vaccine mandates from governments that he no longer trusted to do the right thing.

"I was parked on a street. I'll own that no problem. But in considering the size of disruption from some of the other protests in Canada, I didn't think that the parking violation I was committing was worthy of the treatment I received from the police," - Phillips

But in considering the size of disruption from some of the other protests in Canada

And people why we are angry with the liberals and other authoritarians.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Phillips is a farmer. Is Trudeau going to harvest the grain on the farm after locking up farmers?

Anonymous said...

The protesting trucker thing is now over in Canada. It will take place in the U.S. around the time that Biden is to give State of Union address. The protest leader(s) state they will close down the beltway but leave one lane open for emergency vehicles.
Now is the time for you rascals to rent an 18-wheeler and protest...about? oh, Mandates, if you can find any.

Anonymous said...

Mandates are a moving target based on polls and what the noblesse oblige feel they can get away with.

There are a lot of mandates

Here is one.

"Biden administration withdrawing COVID-19 vaccine mandate."

Biden is withdrawing it because of lost court cases and/or polls.

Troll mother fucker (Russian>? Chinese? Liberal?) slyly asks what mandates as who cries exuberantly the over 1,000 soldiers separated. Never mind that military leaders and joe biden violated

10 U.S. Code § 1107 - Notice of use of an investigational new drug or a drug unapproved for its applied use

"In the case of the administration of an investigational new drug or a drug unapproved for its applied use to a member of the armed forces in connection with the member’s participation in a particular military operation, the requirement that the member provide prior consent to receive the drug in accordance with the prior consent requirement imposed under section 505(i)(4) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355(i)(4)) may be waived only by the President. The President may grant such a waiver only if the President determines, in writing, that obtaining consent is not in the interests of national security."



Of course those fuckers of mothers did.

Anonymous said...


... as they cry ...

Anonymous said...

put all those trailer park trash in jail .. redneck fuckers

fazman said...

Bringing Canadians together? Lol Ontarions want the book thrown at them

Anonymous said...

Elderly Woman Trampled by Ottawa Police Horse Identified- Is Mohawk Elder and Grandmother, She Is Currently in Hospital

Trudeau will lose the next election.