Friday, February 18, 2022

Canada's 'Emergency Act' Exempts Refugees, Immigrants, Asylum Seekers, And Ethnic Minorities

Summit News: Trudeau’s Prohibition on Protests Exempts Refugees, Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities  

Native Canadians are second class citizens. 

Justin Trudeau’s crackdown on protests under an Emergencies Act order specifically exempts refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and other ethnic minorities. 

Yes, really. 

The Canadian government’s Emergency Measures Regulations: SOR/2022-21 order bans people from taking part “in a public assembly that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace.” However, the law does not apply to “any person in a class of persons whose presence in Canada, as determined by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration or the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, is in the national interest.” 

This includes Indians, refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers and ‘protected temporary residents’.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is infuriating. The law should be applied to everyone equally, but not with this government.


Unknown said...

I don't feel to bad for Canada they keep voting him in

Adam said...


Adam said...

to an extent

RussInSoCal said...

Biden’s pajama boy PM Trudeau has gone full commie tyrant. Working class groups have tried to communicate with Trudeau for 2 years over these edicts, mandates and restrictions. He simply ignores them and flounces off to whatever nonsense he’s otherwise engaged in. Let everyone see the “democracy “ that US Dems shriek about so often it now sounds cliche’d.

Check out the Canadian “democracy” model where they freeze your bank account if you support a political cause or person they disapprove of. Use the news media to dox , intimidate and harass you for supporting a cause they disapprove of. Arrest you for supporting a cause they disapprove of. All coming to the USA.

But burn down some 50 Christian churches, loot city blocks, assault and murder over a period of months and you get their loud support. As long as you’re on the leftist side of the spectrum.

When Dems say “democracy”, it’s code for oppression.

Anonymous said...

If you pussies don't like your illiberal dicatorship, rise up of your sofas and take back control of your freedom. What your Truedope has single-handedly done to Canada's citizens is the now new norm. You will never be free unless you protest peacefully en masse and see to it that at the ballot box he is removed from dictatorship and sent into exile far, far away.

RussInSoCal said...

Fusion 7:14 PM

Well for instance, the State telling your bank to commandeer your personal bank account because they found a donation that they didn't like.

And then they do just that.

That would be an example of an unfree country.