Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukrainians And Russians Are Packing ATM Lines

Ukrainians stood in long lines outside of banks and ATMs hoping to take out their funds, even defying curfew to do so.DANIEL LEAL/AFP  

Business Insider: Ukrainians and Russians are packing ATM lines, prompting fears of what happened in the US during the Great Depression 

* After Russia invaded Ukraine Thursday, people in both countries started withdrawing cash from banks. 

* It's led to fears of bank runs, which triggered turmoil in the US during the Great Depression. 

* Bank runs can lead to bankruptcy, unemployment, lending shortages, and closed businesses. 

Many of the Ukrainians who haven't already fled the country as Russia's threat turned into invasion stood in long lines outside of banks and ATMs hoping to take out their funds, Reuters reported on Thursday. 

Meanwhile in Russia, people are also queuing outside of ATMs trying to get US dollars as its citizens worry their own currency's value will continue to tank, according to the Wall Street Journal. Banks in the capital city of Moscow are running out of money, according to MSNBC. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I am also hearing reports that there is a run on ATMs in Poland.

A lot of people are afraid right now.


B.Poster said...

This could happen in the United States too!! It'd be the height of hubris for anyone to think this couldn't happen to them!!

When America is attacked, the area near where I live will be a prime target!! I highly doubt we're going to get anywhere near the support Ukraine is getting.

RussInSoCal said...


I think you reside in the Houston radius so the Space Center would definitely be a fat target.

But actually one of the reasons I'm considering moving to TX is for the non-reliance on the US Fed Gov. TX is (could be) a self contained economy. Agriculture, oil and warm blue water ports. Plus a large number of mil bases - add in the Nat'l Guard.

All with an America Fist mindset.



B.Poster said...

It really could be!! The short analysis is and is supported by many who have moved here from around the world is if TX freed from the US government would be a whole lot richer and more secure than it currently is.

From your posts, you understand what you're escaping from in CA. Come quickly!! Others are simply responding to stimuli and will bring their flawed beliefs and voting habits with them!!

I haven't been to Amarillo but anywhere in TX sounds better than CA. Of course our weather in the Houston area is...let's just say those of us who have lived here foe a long time day "they ain't coming here for the weather!!" LOL!!

Eren said...

Watch pres. Zelenskyy update

Anonymous said...

dream on

Federal Funding in Texas

B.Poster said...

As I said "Many" support the notion that TX would be richer and more secure if freed from the US government.

"Most" would not support this at present. If it ever came to that, it would be well thought out, debated, and debated again. Obviously there would be costs such as loss of federal funding which everyone understands. There would be benefits as well.