Friday, April 8, 2022

What if Things Don't Go Back to Normal?

Richard Fernandez, PJ Media: What if Things Don't Go Back to Normal? 

 One of the most frequently asked questions in these uncertain times, often uttered without the expectation of a definite answer, is “what’s going to happen next?” The honest answer is no one really knows. The failure of zero Covid, the Afghan collapse before the Taliban, the unexpected energy dependency of Europe on Russian gas, and the stubborn failure of Ukraine to collapse before the Putin blitz caught the experts by surprise and shows all too clearly the limits of prediction. Gone for now is the touching belief the policymakers had in models. For a time, due to the impressive increase in computing power, confidence in models became so great that predictions were treated as facts (‘trust the science’), forming the actual basis for government policy, in effect overconfidently moving reality to somewhere in virtual reality.  

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WNU Editor: I certainly do not see life returning back to normal. At least the normal that I grew acustomed to.`

The Russia - Ukraine war and the West's response to it all but guarantees that difficult times are ahead for all of this, and that the societal, economic, and political changes that it will produce will reverberate with us for a very long time.


Anonymous said...

Had the US and NATO left this war to be sorted out by the parties directly involved it would have been over with a fraction of the current cost both in human lives and infrastructure however there are obviously other powers at play right now and the real question is:Who is profiting from this war right now

Anonymous said...

"the West's response to it all but guarantees that difficult times are ahead", ah, you a fan of doing nothing then?

Anonymous said...

I hate the war. Bad things will happen to America with or without Russia and China.

You know the drill. Never let a crisis go to waste. President "Excuse of the Month Club" now has more excuses for his bad economic policies. If you are against his maladministration, you are Putin lover or fascist.

Anonymous said...

The most likely impact of these recent events is a rise in far right populism in Europe and North America. So far liberal governments have held the line and there were hopes(misplaced ones) that the russian invasion would strengthen the liberal order.But one minor problem.People think with their stomachs.The inflation crisis coming after 2 years of covid means most people are already exhausted.Which means an increasing desire for major changes is forming.Not to maintain the current system which failed to prevent covid in the first place.The only ones positioned to reap benefits long term are exactly the ones that some hoped might get discredited by a russian invasion of Ukraine.In the long run this invasion might set the stage for the return of full blown fascists ironically enough considering the stated aims of said invasion.

Anonymous said...

This retort is as old as you are.

Anonymous said...

"The most likely impact of these recent events is a rise in far right populism ...."


*Democrat leaders not masking, but asking others around them to mask.

*Democrat leaders 3 times vaccinated in a year and still catching COVID.

*Democrat leaders passing rules to live by and and then not living by them, because... deadly disease don'cha know.

* Democrat leaders ruining the economy with lockdowns and with open borders. But enforcing borders is rightwing.

2:2 there is an adult bookstore calling your name. It has toys.

HINT: Inflation does not come from COVID. It comes from Democrat spending packages, where they spent 2 or 3 times the amount the government collected in taxes in the same time period.

Anonymous said...

The new normal is Pakistan and Iran penetrating the US government.

How a pair of fraudsters posed as federal agents and 'infiltrated Jill Biden's Secret Service detail' with agency-issue Glock handguns, DHS-branded laptops and fake websites and ID badges

Pakistani Suspects In House IT Probe Received $4 Million From Dem Reps

Biden Planned to Waive Terror Designation on Iran's IRGC Even As IRGC May Have Infiltrated Secret Service

Without a condom

Maybe Democrat house leaders have some sort of weird sexually transmitted brain eating disease

Pelosi has been acting very strange

Anonymous said...

perhaps stop blaming Democrats for a change and face the fact that a bully is a bully, be it Russia, China, or Trump

Anonymous said...

People can easily see the double standard. If you can enforce the double standard and Democrats can, then you are the bully.

Good day to you, Sir Bully.

Anonymous said...

Hillary got fined for the fake Steele Dossier

Hillary got let go by the FBI Director whose job was to collect evidence, but not to do the AG's job. The Fix was in.

So Hillary can have her very own private top secret govt. document server in her bathroom. Democrats can hire spies for OT personnel and allow those spies to steal top secret intel and then flee the country for Pakistan.

Democrat congress people can sleep with Chinese spies and the sit on the intel committee.

But don't bad mouth Democrats. Ok, got it. Don't bad mouth our masters.

You still owe us a pee tape. You keep promising.

You could dress up in drag, take hormone blockers and do a strip tease. Just make it tastefully.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Obama care. It was so good they have to keep going back to the well. Pretty soon Obama care will cover 1 billion people with the same shitty service.

Anonymous said...

but Trump said he had a health plan he would deliver!!!

Anonymous said...

met with Putin and there is NO record of what they said
Trump: many many top-secret files were taken and brought to his hotel: why?
Jan 6: why a huge gap in phone records from Trump's office?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
