Friday, October 28, 2022

Is Republican Support Rising Before The U.S. Midterm Elections?

USA Today: Exclusive poll: Republican support rises ahead of Election Day, with inflation driving voters  

After SCOTUS reversed Roe v. Wade, some Democrats thought the issue would disrupt typical midterm factors like views of the economy. But the new poll shows many voters going back to basics. 

 * Voters overwhelmingly view the election as a way to send a message to the White House. 

 *  Biden's upbeat reassurances on the economy aren't breaking through with voters. 

 * Asked whether inflation or abortion mattered more to them, respondents chose inflation by 56%-40%. 

Republicans are resurgent as the midterm campaign heads into its final stretch, an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds, amid angst about President Joe Biden's leadership and the nation's economy. 

As Americans feel the bite of inflation in their daily lives, from eating out less often to canceling vacations, voters overwhelmingly view the election as a way to send a message to the White House – and by double digits, that message is to change course.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I tell my Republican friends to not get cocky. President Trump was polling similar numbers in 2020 ..... 40% of Hispanics and 21% of Blacks backing Republican candidates .... but the polls were wrong and he lost the election that also ended with the Democrats winning the House and Senate.


Anonymous said...

There's no way the Democrats can win after their wars on the US & Russia. Mind you looking at the crowds attending Trump's rallies & the very small numbers attending Biden's rallies together with the gibberish Biden spoke. I was shocked Biden won. Time for those brave revolutionary war & civil war veterans to climb out of their gravesout & vote Democrat. Keep ducking

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mail in ballot’s, that’s how they did it, and that’s how they’re going to do it, again.

Anonymous said...

Biden won? oh, shit;. Trump said he won

Anonymous said...

In a personal blog that DePape maintained, posts include such topics as “Manipulation of History,” “Holohoax” and “It’s OK to be white.” He mentioned 4chan, a favorite message board of the far right. He posted videos about conspiracies involving COVID-19 vaccines and the war in Ukraine being a ploy for Jewish people to buy land.

DePape’s screeds included posts about QAnon, an unfounded theory that former President Trump is at war with a cabal of Satan-worshipping elites who run a child sex ring and control the world. In an Aug. 23 entry titled “Q,” DePape wrote: “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle.”

Anonymous said...

Sure, Biden who has to be guided off the stage lest he wander aimlessly and who can't draw flies to a campaign rally won. Sure.

All it tells me is that machine politics like Tammany Hall of old are alive and well.