Monday, November 7, 2022

Will Soaring Energy Prices Harm The Democrats In Tomorrow's Midterm Elections?

Bloomberg: Sky-High Electricity Is Biden’s New Pain Point Before Elections 

(Bloomberg) -- For months now, high gasoline prices have been arguably the most visible political pain point for President Joe Biden.In most towns, they can be seen every few blocks on signs at filling stations. It’s the fundamental commodity Americans need to go to work, buy groceries and get around. 

But in the runup to the US midterm elections, another energy cost is coming into focus: skyrocketing electricity bills.

It’s a topic that led off a recent gubernatorial debate in California, home to some of the nation’s priciest power. In Maine, politicians have clashed over whether renewable energy is making electricity more expensive. In New York, the Republican candidate for governor is urging the state to reverse its ban on natural gas drilling to lower utility bills.  

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Update #1: "People Are Fed Up": Soaring Electricity Bills Become New Pain Point For Biden (Zero Hedge)  

Update #2: High energy prices dog Democrats heading into midterms (Houston Chronicle)  

WNU Editor: I am willing to bet that soaring home heating oil prices (primarily in the US northeast), rising gasoline prices (basically everywhere), and rising electricity prices (also basically everywhere) will motivate a lot of voters to the polls to punish the Democrats. When your pocket book is being directly impacted as many are now facing with high energy prices, you are not a happy person. 

And the Americans are not alone. I know in my case where I live (Montreal) my home heating bill (I heat with oil) will, if current prices do not change, rise from $5000/year Canadian to a minimum of $12,000 Canadian this year. And I am pissed!!! But I should not complain. Diesel is now $3.07/liter Canadian in the Maritimes, or about $9/gallon US!!!!! (link here)


Anonymous said...

But the roe V wade still fresh in many eyes. I for one would rather pay higher prices in exchange for human rights

Anonymous said...

Democrats seemed inclined to not try everything or all of the above. They seem to be inclined to promote the worst options for some odd Malthusian reason.

they have not tried or promoted everything. they have not promoted this so much.

It is almost as if they want total fascistic control.

Anonymous said...

Roe V Wade decision does not take away a women's right to rot-rooter herself.

In fact Nat'l Public Radio celebrated slicing and dicing babies with an abortion audio. I am told that many progressives use the tape to fall to sleep instead of waterfall white noise.

The standard appears to be or will be the 15 week standard that Europe uses. that is approximately 4 months. Personally, I would go with 16 weeks as an olive branch and because many Democrats cannot understand 15 weeks as well as they can 4 months.

Roe V. Wade was reasoned horribly. the penumbra and emanations argument is crap. it works in Hollywood movies and college curricula that have been thoroughly trashed by liberals.

Try a geometry or algebra proof, where you go from the problem statement to the solution with only penumbras and emanations to show for your work. That lack of logic would not work outside the classroom of a leftwing teacher.

Anonymous said...

3x + 7Y + 2Z = 35


penumbras & emanations


x = 46

Anonymous said...

Tokyo Mean October Mean Temperature Has Been Falling for Decades

Obviously, this is because of global warming and therefore we must accept every shit idea that liberals propose.

Anonymous said...

You clearly want children to be forced to give birth because it’s “gods will” a child has a child. And it’s not your uterus mind your own business

Anonymous said...

12:16 Clearly you are trolling for all you are worth.

One, my uterus or not it is my business if my tax money pays for it. No one should have dibs on someone else's money due to their recreational use of their uterus.

Two, Anyone who would follow the European model of no abortions after 15 weeks, would also have exception for the rape, incest or the life of the mother.

For a child, a doctor could simply say the pelvis is too small and the baby could not pass through and thus they would both be endangered.

Also if a child is pregnant you have bigger problems than just deciding to abort or not. At that point abortion is societal triage.