Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bomb Attacks In the City Of Jaipur, India

A summary of news stories:

India: Multiple Terror Blasts in Jaipur City, SIMI-HuJI-LeT Alliance Suspected! -- Counter Terrorism Blog

We Did It, Terror Outfit Brags In Video -- Times Of India

Jaipur blasts: Woman suicide bomber suspected -- Times Of India

Jaipur blasts: RDX used, HuJI suspected -- Times Of India

India blast has hallmarks of Al Qaeda -- Radio Australia

Terror spreading to Hindi heartland: BJP -- Times Of India

Chronology of major bomb attacks in India -- Economics Times / India Times

Curfew in historic Indian city a day after blasts -- Yahoo News

Curfew In Historic Indian City A Day After Blasts -- Reuters

Curfew imposed after India blasts -- BBC News

Bomb Blasts Kill Dozens In India -- CBS News

Curfew In Indian City Prevents Retaliatory Attacks After Bombings Kill 80 -- Yahoo News

Jaipur Curfew Imposed As Bombings Toll Passes 80 -- Guardian

India Bomb: Two Arrested Over Jaipur Blasts -- Telegraph

Six Bombs In 15 Minutes Leave At Least 80 Dead In Jaipur -- Times Online

Video From The Telegraph

Six Bombs Leave Up To 60 People Dead In India -- Independent

India: Jaipur blasts, Terrorism and the Government -- Global Voices Online

My Comment: In the past the more violent terrorist acts wee in communities that were "religiously" and ethnically mixed. This is no longer the case. this terrorist attack was in the heart of the Hindi community.

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