Saturday, May 17, 2008

Commentary/Op-Ed/Opinions On The War, Terrorism, Security, And International Events

Commentary/Op-Ed/Opinion -- War, Terrorism, Security
Jihad in India -- Thomas Lifson, American Thinker
Real Spies Grow Harder to Find - Christopher Caldwell, Financial Times
A Counterinsurgency Grows in Khost -- Ann Marlowe, Weekly Standard
The War Over The War Isn't Anything New -- Victor Davis Hanson, IBD Editorial
Extend the law to the gunslingers in Iraq -- International Herald Tribune
Maliki's Mosul Offensive -- Mark Kukis, Time Magazine
Analysis: Rethinking The Iraq Critics -- Michael Barone, U.S. News & World Report
Counterforce to Tehran's “Terrorists without Borders” -- Alireza Jafarzadeh, FOX News
Obama: Wrong on Iran -- Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, FOX News
Help Lebanon: Talk to Syria and Iran -- International Herald Tribune
Lebanon: The bleeding will go on -- Ghassan Karam, Ya Liban
Lebanon's Future -- Michael J. Totten, Commentary Magazine
Who's the Real Appeaser -- Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek

Commentary/Op-Ed/Opinion -- International Affairs
What do the Saudis Want? -- Judith Klinghoffer, American thinker
Mexico's Oiling Days Are Numbered -- IBD Editorial
A Reality Check as Israel Turns 60 -- Fouad Ajami, U.S. News And World Report
One quake, two Chinas -- W.G. Huang, Chicago Tribune
Opening China -- Peter M. Herford, Washington Post
A Communist-Made Disaster -- Gordan Chang, New York Sun
Holding China Accountable in Burma -- Gary Bauer, Human Events
UN to Burma: Drop Dead -- Matthew Continetti, The Weekly Standard
Should We Invade Myanmar? -- Andrew Tallman, Townhall
Limited options in Burma -- Austin Bay, Washington Times
Good Morning, Vietnam -- Duncan Currie, Weekly Standard
The Kremlin Went Down to Georgia -- Charlie Szrom, The Weekly Standard
Pakistan teeters . . . again -- Chicago Tribune editorial Board
The US Dilemma Over Chavez -- Tim Padgett, Time Magazine
Can Mexico's Drug Terror Be Stopped? -- Tim Padgett, Time Magazine

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